The First Training

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A week had passed since then and Nightmare went to his first session. I didn't really know what to do that day. Echo had been staying away lately considering last time she was killed. She would come over occasionally but only when Nightmare was gone. Lani was also revived recently, and Flamey's group has been chiller with us. I went downstairs seeing Echo, Ocean, and Lani hanging out. "Hello Summer!" Lani exclaimed. I waved sitting next to Echo. "You can flood me with questions now" Echo said already expecting it. "Finally, who the hell is Stacy??" I asked smiling. "Well I've been in this world for a while Summer" she said trying to act cool. She cleaned an apple then threw it up but ended up dropping it. I laughed leaning back. "Anyways- She's apart of the old group I was in. Yes I used to date Addax" she explained. "And why'd you break up?" I asked. "Heee, had an affair was Hela shortly after the war" she answered. "Whoa-" I said pausing. She nodded having a straight face. "Is that why you hate her?" I asked. "Yeah, she flirts with everyone way too often. She's the one who came onto Addax and his dumbass fell for it. She ended up chaining up to the bedpost anyways but still" she said laughing. "Is there any other reason?" I asked. "You knows she's the end figure right?" she asked quietly to confirm. "Yeah" I said nodding. "She uses her powers too recklessly, in the war her and Iina used too much magic to help and didn't even do anything for us. Iina killed one of the masks and had a strike since. She's close to getting completely cut off with Hela" she explained. "I...did not know this" I said a bit shocked. "I know, Hela only says what people wants to hear. She doesn't tell her flaws only what gets people to trust her. So she can break all of it in the end. Her bringing candy to a world that doesn't own candy, reviving me and Lani over you and a kid is just the tip of iceburg" she responded. "Iina tells me you used to be in the main mob order" I said raising my eyebrow. Echo groaned chuckling. "Yeah I was, I left because of that reason. I don't like leaders, power means nothing. I gave up my role as leader because they were giving me offers that would only make everything crumble. Roles mean nothing and any order is corrupt. Which is why I also don't like Lynx. Hela's basically the leader of this whole world meaning she can do anything. And that thought is more annoying and scary then anything" she said. Echo had a lot of points with things and strong thoughts. That was one interesting thing about her, she knew what she wanted and how to get it. "And what's up with "the masks"? I wanna make sure Nightmare's okay with them" I said glancing down. "Stacy is fine, like Hela said. If anything she's good for Nightmare. And what she promises she'll actually give you. She's too sweet to double cross people who are nice back. Noah on the other hand" Echo said chuckling. "Noah?" I asked. "He's another person who used to team with. We had relationship. But in the end he was a good guy and our groups were good together. But the war came and his group died. He already used stop time so he couldn't reverse it. He left angry about weakness. He thought he was useless. I don't know where he is today but a girl from our group is with him. I doubt he's the same person he was back then though" she explained. "What was the war about?" I asked. "The usual. Disagreement, power hungry, greed. The other mask groups wanted to be leaders and Stacy and Noah tried to stop them. So outbroke the war. But iina killed Taliya, Noah killed Lenards. And Yoliya is yet to be found" Echo explained. "Wow-" I said. "I told you to flood me with questions" she said picking up the apple again. It slipped falling again though.  WHAT IS WRING WITH THIS APPLE?" she yelled. I just chuckled thinking for a moment. There was a lot of background then. Right now I didn't know who to trust. If Hela and iina really did these things are they trustworthy anymore? That thought kind of scared me. Echo went back to Ocean and Lani leaving me there. I just gazed out thinking.

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