Slowly Figuring Things Out

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I woke up in Nightmare's room. I looked up and saw that Nightmare was gone. I heard a scream come from outside. The scream sounded awfully familiar. I walked outside and saw someone sitting against the mountain. They looked terrified of this world as if they were new. My eyes widened as I remembered what happened at the pool. They noticed me then scooted back. "I won't attack you don't worry" I said gently. They calmed down a little and we eventually started talking. "What is this? Why am I here? Who are you?" they asked. "This world is based off of a video game, no one here knows why we're here yet but we're getting close to an answer, and I'm Summer a person who's been here for a while" I said. "How do we get back?" they asked. "You have to beat the end in order to shift back, you'd then be able to shift from the real world and back here" I said. "O-Okay um-" they said processing this. "Do you want our help?" I asked. "No, I thank you for explaining it but I'm gonna travel on my own" they said. "Alright, good luck!" I exclaimed smiling. They slightly smiled back then waved walking away. I watched them walk off then thought. A new person came here the same day that scientist person showed up. This was all so weird. My thoughts were interrupted by someone yelling. I turned and saw Nightmare and Echo. "YOU FUCKING DUMBASS WHY WOULD YOU FUCKING DO THAT?" Echo said pulling on Nightmare's ear. "LET ME FUCKING GO" he said frustrated. "YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT I FEEL LIKE YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE HERE ANYMORE" she continued yelling at him. "ME NOT BE HERE?? I'M THE ONLY REASON ANY OF YOU ARE ALIVE RIGHT NOW" he yelled back. "OH YEAH THANK YOU DUMBASS FOR PUTTING EVERYONE IN DANGER JUST SO YOU COULD GET OUT THIS WORLD" she yelled. "I DID IT FOR EVERYONE JUST LIKE THIS DECISION" Nightmare yelled. He looked extremely frustrated as if he's been holding it in. "What's going on?" I asked gently. Echo pulled me to her side as if protecting me from Nightmare. Nightmare just glared at her knowing what she's doing. "Just tell me what's going on first, relax." I said mostly directed to Nightmare. He took a deep breath then crossed his arms. "Just..a disagreement we're fine" Echo said. "A disagreement wouldn't cause you two to wish the other weren't here" I said looking between the two. "It's nothing I'm just gonna go clean up" Nightmare said walking away. Echo pulled me in front of her. "I-" I blurted out. "Listen I didn't wanna say anything but I don't like Nightmare" she told me. "I'm not forcing you to like him-" I said. "That's not what I mean, I'm saying he seems horrible like..evil" she explained. I raised one eyebrow. "The reason I was yelling at him was cause I caught him with Ocean and Ivy" she said. "He pulled out an axe on Ivy, I had to stop him" she said gently. My eyes widened, I was so confused. "Summer we have to get rid of him" Echo said in a convincing voice. "But I-" I stuttered not knowing what to do. "If you don't I will, we can't put this world in danger" she said. "But this world is dangerous regardless- What if we just tal-" I was cut off. "Summer not everything can be talked over sometimes you have to take action like with Lenny" she said sternly. "But I didn't like Lenny, there's a difference Lenny caused me harm with Ni-" I was cut off again. "You're really defending him just because you weren't the one in danger?! IVY AND OCEAN ARE MOBS ARE YOU SAYING YOU'D LET NIGHTMARE KILL ME TOO??" she yelled. I was in shock. "That wasn't what I was saying I-" I felt panic. "Maybe I do have to take action myself cause clearly you're too fucking sensitive to do it" Echo said. She walked away leaving me there. I didn't know what to do or say, Nightmare and Echo are both my friends and I couldn't choose. Both of them were putting me in an awkward situation.

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