Let's crash this Shit

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During the few days we met with Flamey's group to talk about it. We settled on Flamey being Sync's best man. Lani being Bishir's best man. Nightmare and Tarig being the ring bearers. And they let Ocean be the flower boy. It had been chill lately, Ivy hasn't attacked yet. I was guessing us and Flamey had a truce for now. I haven't seen Aether and Shadow lately either. The night before the wedding I sat awake with Nightmare. I layed my head on his lap just staring at the ceiling. "So where are we?" he asked. "Hm?" I asked kind of confused. "Like our relationship, where we are" he responded. I looked down thinking for a moment. "I suppose we're dating" I said turning. He paused glancing at me. I smiled then kissed him. "Now go to sleep idiot" I said laying back down. "Or" he said gently. I paused for a moment. The next morning Bishir went running on our lawn again. He yelled at us to get ready. I didn't feel like getting up. Nightmare got up to get changed. I dropped my head on the bed then covered myself with the blanket. "C'mon" Nightmare said. "No" I said hitting his hand away. After almost an hour of convincing I finally got dressed. We went to the place where they built the chapel. I guess we had a church in the world now. Nightmare was the ring bearer so I went to sit in the crowd. It was a small church with only a few chairs. I sat next to Blade and Wolfie. "This is still very odd that someone's getting married in this situation-" Blade said. I nodded then laughed. Soon enough the music started playing. Jk was forced to be the one marrying them. I tried my hardest not to laugh as Jk glared at Bishir. Everyone walked down the aisle and the music changed. Sync walked down the aisle with Flamey. Flamey looked extremely disappointed. I started laughing and Matthew hit me on the arm to stop. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of...I dunno your name. And, I don't know your name." Jk started. They said their vows and Jk asked for the rings. Nightmare struggled to pull the ring out. "Here" Flamey mumbled frustrated. He pulled the ring out for Nightmare then threw it at his head. "Ow" Nightmare said picking the ring up. Just as Nightmare got settled a whistle came from behind. I turned my head and saw an arrow go through the window. It flew over our heads and went straight for Nightmare. Flamey pushed him out of the way then ducked. The arrow hit the wall. "WHAT THE HELL" Bishir yelled. I got up from the chair and looked through the window. The door swung open. Aether walked down the aisle with his sword. "Aether don't do this" Shadow said following him. Nightmare's eyes widened when he noticed Shadow. "You." Aether said pointing his sword at Nightmare. Flamey got up holding his back in pain. "What did I do" Nightmare asked. "Give me my fucking mask" Aether said sternly. Nightmare paused at those words. "Uh what mask" Nightmare played it off. "THIS FUCKING MASK IDIOT" Aether yelled grabbing it off his head. Nightmare kneed him in the stomach then grabbed his mask back. He pulled out his sword creating a space between them. "Aether let's just go" Shadow said. Echo walked in clapping. Skelly came behind her, I figured he was the one who shot the arrow. "I see everybody's here!" she said smiling. Flamey glared at her frustrated. Aether glanced at Echo then back at Nightmare. "I'm guessing you remember who I am" Aether mumbled at Nightmare. Nightmare just stared at him. "Alright let's go" Shadow said pulling Aether. Echo gently put her hand on Shadow's shoulder. "Let's see how this turns out" she said glancing at Nightmare. "By the way she likes me" Nightmare said to her. Echo's expression changed extremely quick. She pushed Aether out of the way then walked towards Nightmare. Nightmare threw the ring to Flamey then ran through the side. "I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU HUSBAND AND HUSBAND GIVE EACH OTHER THE RINGS AND KISS" Jk yelled quickly closing the book and quill. "What" Sync said. Lani gave Bishir the ring then ran past them. Flamey gave Sync the ring then chased after Lani. Blade picked up Ocean then walked out with Wolfie. "Yeah" I said standing up. Aether ran beside Nightmare and Echo and grabbed his mask back. I hopped up and grabbed the mask from him. "SHIT" he yelled running into the chair. I landed on the other side then ran through the side. Aether ran through the aisle. I hopped onto the chairs on the other side then threw the mask back to Nightmare. He put it back on his head throwing an axe at Echo. I fell onto the floor then got up quick. Skelly shot an arrow at me. I ducked then got back up. Aether ran in between the chairs and went to swing at me. I grabbed the arrow out of the wall then stabbed him in the shoulder. He winced then went to hit at me again. Sync ran from behind and hit him in the back stabbing him. I stood there in shock then just laughed. Matthew and the rest had already left so it was just Sync, Flamey, Lani, Nightmare, Jk, and me left there. Neville ran in with bread. Echo glared at him annoyed then kicked Nightmare back. Neville hopped over the chair then went to swing at me. I hopped over him and Sync hit him with the sword. He got cut a little before ducking underneath. He pulled Sync with him then grabbed his sword. I held onto his back pulling him down. I grabbed Sync's sword back then threw it at him. He caught it then got back up. Neville hit me in the head with the bread. "Ow" I said. He elbowed me in the shoulder near the neck then pushed me back. He got back up then kneed Sync in the stomach. I felt half conscious but I still fought. I swung at Neville from behind. He winced then pushed himself off the sword. He ducked underneath then stumbled back. Skelly shot at me again. I ducked down the ran through the chairs. I kicked at Skelly's leg allowing Lani to get a stab. I slid and felt more dizzy. Lani noticed then stabbed at Skelly multiple times. It wasn't enough to kill him but enough. She grabbed his sword then stood up. Lani grabbed my arm then went to run. Echo kicked Lani back. My eyes widened as I backed up. Echo stared at me then smiled. Nightmare kicked her back then pushed her away from Lani. Echo stumbled back near Flamey. Flamey went to take a swing. She slid underneath then pulled at Nightmare's foot. He fell barely hitting his head. She pulled Skelly with her out of the chapel. Neville picked his bread up then ran after them. Aether slid under Flamey then grabbed Nightmare's mask. I put my foot out tripping him. "FUCK" he yelled falling face first. I grabbed the mask back then handed it to Nightmare. "Thanks" he said getting up. He put it back on then glared at Aether. I felt more dizzy so I walked out of the chapel. I saw Echo, Skelly, and Neville running, that's all I remembered until everything went dark.

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