Revenge is a dish served Equally

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I looked through a chest. I had finally come back after so much convincing. It wasn't to make up though. I wanted to beat this world regardless of low armor. I looked for the blaze rods and ender pearls but I couldn't find any. "Where the fuck" I said slamming the chest lid. "Whoa- Whoa whoa whoa" Jk said walking downstairs. "Sorry" I said sighing. He just looked at all the stuff on the floor. We then heard commotion outside. "MY GOD" I yelled walking out. Jk grabbed his sword and followed me. "HA" Bishir yelled throwing tnt on the ground. Matthew moved out the way as it blew up. "I'M ALL FOR BLOWING THINGS UP BUT FUCK OFF" Echo yelled. "What the fuck" I said standing by Echo. Flamey was distracted by something else which just kind of annoyed me. Tarig laughed as Bishir went to throw another tnt from the wall. Jk shot an arrow at Bishir. "A-" he said stumbling back, almost falling off the wall. "HA" Echo yelled. Just then the guy attacking Echo before grabbed her by the hair, pulling her away. My eyes widened as Jk automatically ran after him. Bishir hopped off the wall and swung at Matthew. "C'mon creeper" the guy said pushing the sword further. Echo hissed trying to push him off. Jk went to go swing at him but he hit Echo for a third time. An explosion sounded turning heads. Matthew's eyes widened. A piece of paper fell for the guy but none for Echo or Jk. "NO" Matthew yelled pushing Bishir off and running. Bishir just stood there. I stood frozen there, terrified. I hadn't noticed my surroundings until I heard someone raise their sword. I noticed it was near me I had no time to react. Nightmare swung at Flamey pulling him by the shirt. I fell quick noticing what had happened. Flamey yelled out then tried to push Nightmare off. The guy who caused Echo to blow up respawned. I guess they placed a bed close to here. "Who the fuck are you" Matthew asked the guy walking towards him. "Matt-" I was cut off. "WHO THE FUCK" he yelled. "We don't remember his name so we just call him Lenny" Bishir answered. "Lenny huh? That's gonna be on your TOMBSTONE" he yelled throwing his sword at him. Lenny dodged it with eyes widened. I tried to pull him back but he barely budged. He walked out of my grasp easily. At this point I just let it happen. I then heard explosions from behind. I turned and the main house's roof blew off. The back was fully exploding. I then remembered there was people still in the house. I ran in as the walls fell. Wolfie ran to me, "WHAT THE HELL?". "JUST WAKE BLADE UP" I yelled back running upstairs. I banged on Harly's door trying to wake her up. Sponge was trapped in a coner. I picked Sponge up and ran back to the stairway. Harly walked out of the room. "What?" she asked beofre noticing the debris. "Let's go" I said running down the stairs with Sponge. Harly followed me. We saw Wolfie and Blade running out the house before us. Harly hopped off the stairs then ran faster. I tried to run faster but a big part of the wall fell in front of the door. "SHIT" I yelled attempting to hop over it. I looked at the back door and saw a big crater in the doorway. Someone walked through with a bow pointed at me. It was another girl. I tried pulling the debris out but it was no use. I had Sponge in the other arm so I couldn't use full strength. "Ugh trying to save the stupid cat so pathetic" she said letting the string go. It hit Sponge causing her to fall out my arms. "What the fuck-" I said in disbelief. Just then a tnt blew up in the front. I fell back from the impact. My ears ringing from the explosion, it was unbearable. Nightmare ran in and threw his sword at the girl. The paper flew in obviously. Flamey ran in after him then noticed me. He went to swing at me and I rolled out the way. I went to get up but my ears rang even more. All the dust practically blinded me. Nightmare shot an arrow at Flamey. Flamey dodged it then ran at him. Nightmare ran to the left then placed a pressure plate down. He stepped on the pressure plate then pulled me with him. I was still in shock but I made the effort to run as well. Flamey glared at the pressure plate then realized it. The whole main house blew from underneath. This felt horrible, but we got 2 down. Matthew and Lenny were still fighting far away. Wolfie was fighting Bishir, and there was no trace of Tarig. "Is everyone out?" Nightmare asked. "Uhm, Sponge-" I said gently. Nightmare gasped, "Noo". I just nodded. Now this was even worse. The main house was blown up and so was half our builds. I hated this, I just wish the others could feel the same way we did. Then I had an idea. "Nightmare" I said quickly. "What?" he asked turning. "The only other trace of people are in that house up on the mountain. That's probably where the group lives" I told him. He just nodded wanting to hear the rest of the plan. "We should go over there and blow their shit up too. They set a spawn close to here so if they're distracted.." I continued. "Let's do it" Nightmare said. "We're on it on the distracting" Harly said. Blade nodded. Revenge felt great right now.

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