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the next morning I woke up. I looked to my left and saw Derek wasn't there, he always wakes up before I do.

I get up and go into the living room where he is sitting on the couch drinking coffee, he isn't dressed he's only wearing sweat pants.

"Why are you always up before me?" I ask before sitting down next to him. "because you always sleep much longer. I'm surprised you were even able to sleep," he says.

"that doesn't explain why you leave me every morning," I take the mug from his hand and drink from it.

"you had a nightmare last night and you were very tired from that so I let you sleep in, be thankful," he says kissing my head.

"it's not thanksgiving," I mumble. "what?" he asks. "nothing," I say before coughing. "Are you alright?" He asks me. "Yea, I'm fine," I clear my throat.

I drink more from the coffee and place the mug down. It's suddenly very cold. I go into the bathroom and turn the shower on hot.

Once the shower is ready I undress and got in. After my shower, I got dressed in my silk pyjamas. I got under the covers of my bed and laid down.

"Are you going back to sleep?" Derek asks as he walks back into the room. "Yes," I mumble into the pillow before closing my eyes.

"You were fine five minutes ago, what happened?" He says. "It's cold in here," I say, pulling the covers up to my neck and holding them tighter to my body.

He brushes the wet hairs out from my face before pressing the back of his hand to my forehead. "You're very warm, baby," he says. I don't know if he's calling me that because I'm sick or if it was an accident.

"I don't feel warm," I say quietly. "Does your head hurt?" He asks. "Yes," I answer. "I'll go get you some medicine," he says. He leans down and kisses my forehead and leaves the room.

After a bit, he comes back. He places a bottle of something on the nightstand, I can't see because my eyes are closed.

"Meredith," he said softly. "Mm," I moan, opening my eyes to look at him. "Sit up for a bit," he says. I carefully sit up and lean against the headboard.

He pours some medicine into my spoon and moved it to my mouth. "Do I have to?"I ask, all medicines taste bad and this one is a dark brown colour so there's no way it tastes good.

"Yes, if you want to feel better then yes," he says. I stare at the spoon he had very still hands. "I'll pass," I say lifting my hand on his.

"Meredith," he says sternly. I sigh and open my mouth. He puts the spoon in my mouth. I close my lips around it and taste the horribleness of the medicine.

He hands me a glass of orange juice and I drink the whole thing. I place the empty glass down next to me and wipe my mouth.

He wipes the tears off my cheeks and kisses my forehead.

"It's not that bad," he says quietly. "It's worse than you think, you willingly take that?" I say lying down back under the covers as my arms fill with goosebumps.

"Yes, it doesn't taste very good but it helps," he says. "It barely does," I mumble into my arm that is held close to my face.

He stands there for a bit before he looks at me and looks at the bed. "These covers are very thin, Meredith. are you sure these keep you warm?" He says.

"They're for the summer," I shrug. "It's not summer, Mer. It's almost winter," he says pulling the covers down. "No, Der, it's getting cold," I whine.

"I'm taking you to my room, I have much thicker covers that are for the cold," he says. He lifts me up easily and carry's me into his room.

He placed me down on his bed and I pull the covers back and get under them. He goes to his closet before he comes back. "Here, put these on," he says handing me a pair of clothes.

"Why?" I ask. "Because you're shivering with goosebumps all over your arms and you're wearing a thin short-sleeved shirt," he says.

I take the clothes from his hands. I look at them for a bit before I take my shirt off and put his sweatshirt on. He doesn't look away but he doesn't stare as I take off my shorts and put his sweatpants on.

He removed all his clothes and puts on his pyjama bottoms and gets into bed next to me. I lie down and get completely under the covers.

I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer. "Go to sleep, get some rest," he whispers kissing my head. "Thank you," I kiss his chest and close my eyes.

Falling asleep soon after.


Meredith closes her eyes and a few seconds later I hear soft snores. I kiss her head and move her closer to me.

I'm not really tired but if I move she'll wake up and if I don't lay with her she won't go back to sleep.

I run my hand up her back before running my fingers through her hair, she has very soft long, shiny blond hair.

After a few minutes, I feel her stir a bit. She furrows her eyebrows before she coughs into her arm.

She winced a bit a the pain before she pushes her head back into my chest and falls back asleep.

I close my eyes and rest my head against her, I kiss her head and lay my head down on the pillow, just a bit above hers and feel myself start to get tired.

Meredith moves back and coughs again, but this time she coughs a few times before she sniffles and lays her head back against my chest and I feel her relax, falling back asleep.

I fall asleep soon after.

I know I haven't written smut in SO long but I just kinda forgot about it. If I remember to then I will. When Meredith is no longer sick I'll make her like REALLY horny and then he takes her virginity😏

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