Chapter 108

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We're back at the hotel. Emily's asleep in her bed while me and Derek are in bed.

Im wearing a silk pyjama set and he's wearing sweatpants with the No shirt.

Im sat between his legs and his arms around my waist.

"I still can't believe we don't have a name for him yet," I say.

"We'll figure out a name when he's born," he says kissing my shoulder.

"He's going to be born in three months and we have nothing ready," I groan.

"Give me my phone," he says. I grab his phone from the nightstand and hand it to him.

"Find everything we'll need for a baby and but a bunch of clothes and order them," he says.

"really?" I ask. "yes, we need things for the baby," he says. "like what?" I ask. "crib, swing, blankets, bottles, diapers, socks, hats, and whatever else baby needs," he says.

I pick out a bunch of things for the baby and hand the phone back to him. "there, ordered everything," I say.

"are you scared to have a baby?" I ask. "No, if things get too hard I have a whole family," he says. "yes, but they all live in New York," I say.

"we move to New York," he says. "are you serious or are you just saying that?" I ask.

"whatever you want. if you said you wanted to move then I would move. I have nothing special in Seattle other than you, and Emily," he says.

"I have nothing special in Seattle," I shrug. "so you want to move to New York?" he asks. "maybe. but if we ever do move then we need to wait until the baby is born and a bit older, he kicks a lot and he might kick more if he finds out we're moving," I say.

"does he kick at night time?" Derek asks. "yes, why?" I ask. "I always thought you were punching me in the middle of the night," he says.

"it's probably him then," I say. "they felt smaller than your hands," he says. "he has small feet," I say.

"he kicks hard, why so hard?" he says. "he's threating to beat you up if you leave him when he's born," I say.

"why would I do that?" he asks. "because a lot of father's do that, Emily's dad did that," I say. "speaking of, you still haven't grieved," he says.

"I know, I'm going to grieve when it happens," I say. "I know, I don't want to push you but it's been almost a month, Mer," he says.

"I know, I'm sorry," he kisses the nape of my neck.

"it's okay. I wanna talk names," I say. "what is it with you and names?" he chuckles.

"we need one, there's three that I like but there's two that I especially like," I say.

"which ones are those?" he asks. "Colton, Miles, and Logan, but I especially like Colton and Logan," I say.

"any others?" he asks. "Zachary's cute, Zach or short," I say. "I like Colton and Logan," he says. "that's good, which one do you like better?" I ask.

"I said I like them but I don't know if they're the name for our son," he says. "why is this so hard? it's something we have to call him for the rest of his life," I say.

"we'll figure it out, there's nothing to worry about. when he's born you can look at his face and it'll come to you," he says.

"and what if it doesn't?" I ask. "then we'll stay up all night studying his face to make sure we don't pick the wrong name," he says.

"thank you," I say. "you're welcome. have you picked out any names that would work if he's blond?" he asks.

"Zach would be cute if he's blond, or Carter and I might have to look into a few more," I say. "can we go to sleep now?" he whines.

"yes, I'm tired," I say.

I get out from between his legs and get under the covers. I feel him wrap his arms around my waist and pulls me into his chest.

"you really can't sleep without cuddling me, can you?" I ask smiling. I think it's adorable, but he hates it when I say it out loud.

"do you want me to stop?" he asks. "No, I said 'yes' one time and you couldn't sleep all night. you got up and started reading 'the made' series while I was asleep," I giggle.

"I wanted to see what you like about it so much," he says. "and?" I ask. "I don't get it. it's a mafia book series and I read the first book and I still don't get it," he says.

"what about Clark?" I say. "what about it?" he asks. "what do you think about it? I like it," I say.

"I like it too, it's cute and it works for both a blond and a brunette," he says thinking about it. "so that's his name?" I say with a huge grin.

"unless we think of something else, yes. that's his name," he says kissing the back of my head.

"okay, now we can go to sleep," I say suddenly feeling tired and closing my eyes.

I'm losing ideas so if something bad happens that's why.

suggestions for something bad to happen???

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