chapter 161

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I'm tucking Logan in for bed. "Mama?" he asks me. "yes, baby?" I ask as I tightly tucked the blanket under him.

"I wanna play a spowt," he says. "what kind of sport?" I ask. "baseball, or soccer," he says. "... or both!" he says.

"you want to play soccer and baseball?" I ask a bit shocked, he's never really talked about playing sports before. the only thing he does that could be considered a sport is playing catch with Derek.

"do you know how to play any sports, Mommy?" he asks. "No, I never played sport, but I guess I played I did play a bit o volleyball in high school," I say.

"did you like it?" he asks. "No, I only did it because my mother made me," I say.

"what was your mom like?" he asks. "I don't want to lie to you... she wasn't a very nice lady and you'll probably never meet her," I say. he nods understandably.

"Alright, you should get some sleep," I say. "night, mommy, love you," he says. "goodnight, Logan, I love you too... so so much," I say before kissing his forehead.

he kisses my cheek before he closes his eyes and starts to drift off. I stand up and go leave his room, leaving the door just a bit open and turning the lights off and his night light on.

I leave the room and walk down the hallway to our bedroom. I open the door and walk into the room.

"what are you doing?" I ask Derek as he lays in bed completely naked with the covers on top of him.

"getting comfortable," he says as he smirks at me.

"I'm not having sex with you tonight, I'm too tired," I say closing the door behind me.

"who said anything about sex?" he asks. I get changed into a pair of fleece pajamas and get into bed. I tie my hair up and lay down.

"why do you always lay so far away?" he groans. "because this is my side of the bed," I say.

he moves closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. "so warm," he whispers as he cuddles into my chest.

"so clingy," I whisper in his ear before kissing his head.


the next morning


I wake up the next morning. I go to move when I feel a weight on top of me.

I open my eyes and see Meredith laying on top of my chest. "Meredith," I whisper in her ear. "Meredith," I say again kissing her head.

"Mmm, no, go back to sleep," she groans as she turns her head to the other side.

"Meredith, I have to go to the bathroom," I whisper. "then go, you don't have to wake me up," she says tiredly in a raspy voice.

I gently sit up and lay her next to me. she soon gets comfortable and cuddles into the pillow. I get up and out of bed and go into the bathroom.

after I use the bathroom, take a shower, and go my hair, I go back into the bedroom in only a white towel. I go to the closet and pick out an outfit, black dress pants, white light blue button-up, and black slacks.

I walk over to Meredith as she's still laying in bed. "do you plan on waking up anytime soon?" I ask as I fix my sleeve cuffs.

"No," she says muffled into the pillow.

"would you rather have Logan get you up instead?" I ask. "no," she says.

"you have to get up soon, today is one of my few days off and I don't want you to be asleep the entire day while I'm home," I say.

"if you're staying home all day then why are you so dressed up?" she asks. "you're the one who owns two pairs of jeans," I say.

"I have other pants," she says. "but you mostly wear dresses. get up, I'm going to take Logan to pre-school and I want you awake when I get back," I say. I place my hand on her cheek and lean down, pressing my lips against her.

she deepens the kiss before I pull away and leave the room. I make Logan's breakfast and set it on the table. I go into Logan's room and see him standing in front of his mirror, trying to button up his shirt.

"I'm surprised you're awake so early?" I say as I walk into the room. "how do you do this?" he asks.

"you want some help?" I ask. he nods. I crouch down and fix the buttons he did and do the rest, I fix is collar before standing up and kissing his head.

"do you want some breakfast?" I ask. yes!" he says. "Okay, let's go," I say. he runs out of the room and I follow him into the kitchen.

he sits down at the table and starts eating his food. "where's mommy?" he asks. "she's still in bed," I tell him.

"is she still sick?" he asks. "a little bit, but she's starting to feel better," I say. he finishes his breakfast, he goes to the bathroom and brushes his teeth before I help him put on his coat.

I help him into the car, lock the front door and take him to pre-school.

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