chapter 97

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a few weeks later


I'm almost fully healed. the only thing that isn't completely better yet is my arm but everything else is fine, including my incision.

"When did your mother want us to come to New York?" I ask as I sit next to Derek on the couch.

"she said whenever we had the time," he says looking at the tv.

"she knows about the- Emily, she knows about Emily, right?" I ask. "yes, but she still thinks Emily is twins," he says.

"maybe you should tell her that we won't be bringing Daniel and if she asks why just say we'll explain it when we get there," I say.

"you wanna tell her in person?" he asks. "yes, have you told her that I'm pregnant yet?" I ask.

"No, I wanted to wait to have your permission before telling her," he says. "good, then we can tell her about Daniel and then we can tell her about the baby, but maybe wait till the next day to tell her about the baby," I say.

"to smooth it over?" he asks. "not exactly, but it's something else to look forward to, that's what I do," I say.

"does it help?" he asks. "a little, yes," I say.

"are you scared to go back?" he asks. "why would I be scared?" I ask. "you were nervous when you went the first time, what about now?" he asks.

"I'm fine now. I'm just a little worried about Emily," I say. "why?" he asks. "because we still haven't told her about Daniel and then when we do we have to tell her I'm pregnant and then she's going to think we're going to replace him," I say.

"she'll be fine. she'll be in a lot of pain but she'll be fine," he says. "well, that's not very helpful," I say.

"you just have to give her some time to grieve," he says. "I was thinking on taking her to a therapist," I say.

"why would you do that?" he asks. "she's a child, children aren't supposed to know the pain of losing their brother, he's all she had. when Lexie left them each other was all they had. he was her brother the only family that was there with her for everything and now he's gone," I say.

"and she doesn't even understand why, when she asked we just told her he was still at the hospital," I say. "he is," he says. "you know what I mean," I roll my eyes.

"you really think a therapist would help?" he says. "yes, I don't know how to help her grieve and I don't want her pushing it down and then having it effect her whole life and end up with depression when she's older. I wanna take care of it now so it doesn't turn into something permanent," he says.

"you'll a good mother," he says. "thank you," I say. "which will be great if I'm a bad dad," he says making me smile.

"you're six months pregnant and we still don't have a name for the baby," he says. "well, at least I know what gender names I'm looking for," I smirk.

"I told you I don't want to know the gender," he sighs rolling his eyes. "I know, but wouldn't you want to know what you're having before you have it?" I ask sitting closer to him.

"No, I don't want to know. you can chose the names as long as their not stupid," he says.

"why would I name our kid something stupid?" I ask. "to see if you could piss me off," he says.

"whatever. is their any names that you do like for both genders? I still want you to like the name without telling you the gender," I say.

"I think their might be some on my phone I'll send them to you," he says. "are they dumb, do they scream stupid white kid?" I ask straddling his lap.

"why do you think our kid is going to be white and stupid?" he asks. "because you and I are both white and stupid," I say as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"you're a nurse and I'm a cop, we're not stupid," he says. "fine... but I got the white part right," I say. "you get all credits for that," he says as he slaps my thigh.

"I'm not having sex with you," he says as he massages both my thighs. "why? I'm fine," I say. "I know you put on a hot dress to get me to say yes," he says.

"you want to say yes," I say teasingly. "of course, I do. but you're not fully healed," he says. "yes, I am. I can walk and I can shower on my own now," I say.

"your arm isn't healed," he says. "it's fine, it's not even my dominant hand," I shrug. "it's your right arm," he says.

"I'm left handed," I say. "since when?" he asks. "since always, how did you not know that?" I ask. "I don't pay attention to that," he says.

"fine, call your mom and tell her we'll be on the next flight in a few days. I already bought the tickets," I say kissing his cheek and go off his lap and go into the kitchen.

hotel sex???

Officer Shepherd✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang