chapter 156

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everyone is here now. I'm sitting on the couch with Logan in my lap as he opens one of his gifts. Derek is sitting right next to me with his hand on my back, rubbing me soothingly.

I've also been sitting on this couch almost all day because Derek refuses to let me get up, he's scared I'm going to faint or vomit.

"I'm going to have to go to the bathroom soon," I whisper as I lean into his chest.

"do you want me to come with you?" he whispers back.

"No, why would you need to come with me?" I ask.

"to make sure you're okay," he says taking his eyes away from Logan and looking at me.

"I'll be fine Derek. I can on my own, I have been since I was three," I say.

"I know, I know, but what if you faint?" he asks. "I'm sure you'll come and find me," I say.

"yes, but for how long will you be laying on the floor before I find you?" he says.

"I don't think long, you treat me like I'm crippled," I say.

"you're were as pale as a ghost, Mer. I'm sorry if I'm a little overprotective of you but I want to make sure you're okay," he says.

"and that's why I chose you of all people to have children with but I promise you, I am going to be just fine," I say.

"Okay," he says.

"Look, Mama!" Logan says, showing me his new toy train.

"That's wonderful Logan," I smile at him before kissing the side of his head.

I hand him another gift and place his train next to me. he opens his gift and thanks his grandmother for it. he hops off my lap and hugs Carolyn before he climbs back into my lap.

"Can you take him for a bit so I can use the bathroom?" I ask Derek. "yea," he says, lifting Logan off my lap and onto his.

I stand up and ignore the dizziness that comes to my head as I walk out of the living room and into our bedroom. I close the door and go into the bathroom.

I close and lock the door before I go over to the toilet.

I lift up my skirt and pull down my panties before sitting down. after I finish, I wipe and flush. I wash my hands at the sink.

I look at myself in the morning and see that I'm still very pale despite the concealer I put on earlier.

I dry off my hands and leave the bathroom. the room suddenly starts spinning. I take a few steps back and stand against the door.

once the room goes back to normal, I push myself off the door and walk around the room a bit to walk it off.

I feel something in my stomach and it quickly moves to my throat. I run into the bathroom and hunch over the toilet.

I throw up everything I ate today into the toilet. once everything is out I wipe my mouth with toilet paper.

I can still feel something in my throat so I take my finger and push it to the back of my throat before vomiting again.

I stand up and flush the toilet. I wash my hands, brush my teeth, and rinse my mouth out with water before drying off with a towel.

I walk out of the bathroom and before I can leave the bedroom I hear Derek. "Meredith?" I hear him say my name a few times before the door opens and he walks in.

"Are you okay? you've been in here for a while," he says walking over to me and placing his hands on my waist, steadying me better.

"where's Logan?" I ask. "he's with my mother," he says trying to look into my eyes.

"Are you okay, Mer?" he says again. "yes, I'll be fine. I just got a little dizzy again and I had to throw up again," I say.

"And you're fine?" he asks. "yes, I'm... fine," I say. "Meredith, the makeup helps but I your lips are still paler than they are supposed to be, don't lie," he says.

"I'll live Der, It's just pregnancy," I say. "Meredith," he says. I look down at the floor and my eyes start feeling heavier and heavier.

"Meredith, Meredith, look at me," I hear Derek's voice start to fade before everything goes black.

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