Break in and break up

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Is it was moving day. I haven't spoken to Derek in weeks, we've just been living in silence. I got the apartment and I checked it out. I liked it, it was close to work and it was a nice place.

I had everything packed and brought it out to my car. I closed the trunk and walked back around the car to the driver's side.

I stopped to look at Derek who was standing on the porch with tears in his eyes. I walked over to him. He didn't look at me and looked down at the ground.

I held his face in my hands before kissing him. He didn't seem surprised. He didn't put much effort into the kiss showing that he was tired.

I kissed him softly before pulling away, keeping my one hand on his cheek. "Mer, I told you I didn't kiss her she kissed me," he said in a broken voice as a tear fell down his cheek.

"I know, I believe you," I say as I wipe the tear away. He looked at me surprised. "I do believe you, but I hadn't seen you in weeks before that happened, we never see each other anymore because of work, we both work full time... I don't see the point if we're never going to see a house other," I say.

"I'll take hours off work, please Meredith, just don't move, please Meredith please," he said with his hands on my arms and tears streaming down his face.

"I'm so sorry, I love you," I say as a tear falls from my eye. I kiss him one last time. A long kiss.

I pull away and walk back to my car. I get in and drive out of the driveway. I couldn't bear to look at Derek because he was crying and seeing him hurt only made me feel worse than I already do.

I arrive at my new apartment. I get out and move everything in. Once everything was settled, I sat down on the couch and took a deep breath.

I still feel bad about moving, and I wish I hadn't done it because I regret it already more than anything but I can't go back now, not after what I did to him.

I got up and locked the door and started cleaning everything up. Once the place was cleaned, I closed all the curtains because it was still daylight outside.

I went into my bedroom and got under the covers, I pulled them to my chest and tried falling asleep. I started to feel tears fall down my cheeks, I tried wiping them away but they wouldn't stop.

Eventually, I was in bed sobbing, I had only known Derek for a few months but I still cared about him so much.

But maybe this is the right thing to do... all good things must come to an end.

And then I finally cried myself to sleep.

I wake up the next morning, tired and my eyes hurting. I get up and realize I'm not at home, I'm in my new apartment. I get out of bed and go into the bathroom to take and shower.

After my shower, I go into the kitchen, it feels so quiet and lonely without Derek here. I have to stop thinking about him.

I did my best at making breakfast and ate before I got dressed. I grabbed my things and left for work.


It was hours later and I finally got off work. Many of the patients kept asking me why I looked terrible this morning, they have no filter.

I walked in and noticed the front door wasn't locked, and I definitely locked it this morning. I pushed the door open and saw nothing. I figured I had to have left it unlocked this morning so I slowly went inside.

I was about to put my things down but when I did I saw a man in the kitchen. I quietly stepped out and took my phone out of my pocket.

I dialled 911 as I went to another floor. They said they would be here as soon as possible. I went down the stairwell until I got to the first floor.

I waited a bit before the police finally came. They said they found the guy, but he wasn't doing anything weird they said he was just a homeless guy.

They asked if I was okay and everything before they left. I waited a few minutes before going back up to my floor and into my number.

When I walked in I saw Derek looking at some things. "I didn't know they would have called you," I say.

He turns around to look at me. "This is your apartment building?" He asks. I nod. "They didn't give me a name," yes says quietly. "It's fine," I say.

"Were you able to tell if I had led the door unlocked? I thought I locked it this morning but it was pretty early so I really don't know," I say.

He looks at me and I can see the tiredness on his face, he looks worse than I do. "The door was locked but he unlocked it. I already changed the lock for you," he says.

"Thank you," I say. He nods. "I'm glad you're happy in your new place and with your new job," he says smiling sadly.

"I'm not," I say and he looks up at me confused. "I mean-I am happy with my job I love my job... but this place isn't home, I never felt more at home than I did when I was with you," I say. He looks down and stays quiet.

"I didn't break up with you because I thought you were kissing another woman—well I did at first but that was out of anger, I do want to be with you I just wish we were able to spend more time with each other. But we never are and it just doesn't feel like a relationship, maybe one day when I'm not working so much if that happens or you solve the killer case we can try again but now... I don't know how to be in a relationship with a person I never see," I say feeling the tears build up in my eyes again.

"I understand, but I will always be in love with you, and I won't stop trying to get you back because I don't know if I can move on or live without you," he says.

He walks up to me. He kisses my forehead with a lingering kiss before he walks out and closes the door behind him.

I lock the door and go to bed.


Officer Shepherd✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz