Chapter 79

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Derek and I are now at the hospital. I'm at the hospital while Derek's in the waiting room. the doctor already asked me all my symptoms, she left and she should be back soon.

a few minutes later there's a knock at the door before it opens. "Alright, Miss Grey. you said you've been sexually active?" she asks. "yes," I say.

"when was the last time you had sex?" she asks. "um, I'm not sure, maybe a few weeks ago. my boyfriend was out of the country for two weeks," I say.

"Alright, you are showing some signs of pregnancy so I'm going to have you take a test, that's doesn't mean that you are pregnant, it's just to be safe, but it doesn't seem like you have the flu or a cold," she says.

Cristina mentioned pregnancy multiple times but I thought she was just kidding, I didn't know she would have been serious about that.

"okay," I say. "we're going to take some blood, are you scared of needles?" she asks. "No," I say. "wonderful," she says. they take my blood and I wait for the results.


after a bit, the doctor comes back. "Alright, Miss Grey, you're pregnancy test did come back positive, would you like an ultrasound, that is if you're planning on keeping it but if you're not we can plan an abortion for you," she says.

"No, I'd... I'd like to keep it, and I do want an ultrasound," I say with a small smile. I'm pregnant!!

"Alright, I'll be back in a sec with the ultrasound machine," she says before leaving the room.

she come back with the machine and she does an ultrasound. she tells me I'm four months along and that I should start showing around five months.

after the check up, I leave the room and go into the waiting room. "we can go now," I say, taking Derek's hand. "is everything okay, are you okay?" he asks standing up. "yes, I'm fine, everything's fine. I'll tell you at home," I say.

"why at home?" he asks. "because I don't want you to die at the wheel," I say. "do you have cancer?" he asks as we walk out of the hospital. "No, if I did I wouldn't be fine," I say.

"Right, forget you said that," he says. we get into the car and drive back to my place. I walk into the place and see the kids playing in the living room and Cristina drinking a cup of coffee watching 365 days.

"Cristina! you can't watch that in front of the kids," I say. I quickly turn the tv off right before the part where they have sex on the boat. "where the hell have you been all day?" she asks as Emily starts crying.

"and why do they do that? they just start crying for no reason," she says. I roll my eyes and walk over to Emily, crouching down to her level.

"what's wrong?" I whisper rubbing her arm softly. "I missed you," she says wrapping her eyes around my neck. I lift her into my arms and hold her.

"when did he get back?" she asks pointing to Derek. "yesterday," I say. "that's where you were?" she smirks. "it's a long story, I'll explain later,"

"did you tell him about the baby yet?" she asks. "Cristina, stop saying I'm pregnant," I tell her. "but you are," she says.

"she still thinks you're pregnant?" Derek asks. "a little," I shrug. "what do you mean a little? I'm positive, you smell like pregnant women," she rolls her eyes.

"pregnant women don't have a scent," I say. "how would you know?" she says. "shut up," I say. I take the kids into their bedroom and they play in there. "you went to the doctors today, so did they say you're pregnant?" Cristina says as I sit next to her. Derek's in the kitchen.

"you're so nosey," I say. "Well, if you are then I'm going to be the godmother," she says. "you hare children," I say. "if it's yours then I'll be able to tolerate it, and if you die then I can raise it to be like me," she says.

"for the child's sake I hope I never die," I say. "so it's true, you're pregnant?" she smiles. "yes, I'm pregnant," I smile. "how far along?" she asks. she's pretending to not care but she won't stop smiling.

"four months," I say. "you've been carrying that thing inside you for four months and you just now find out!" she says a bit loudly, making Derek look over at us. "he's going to hear if you're so loud," I say.

"you haven't told him?" she says. "No, I didn't want him to pass out at the wheel," I say. "congratulations, Derek," she says. I glare at her. "what for?" he asks. "you'll find out soon, I gotta go before you ask me to watch them again, oh, and by the way Mer, their dad called he want's to see them," she says.

"of course he does, if didn't want them before but now," I roll my eyes. "you might want to consider it, with your own on the way you won't have much time for someone else's," she whispers before leaving.

team boy or team girl?

Whatever has more I'll make the baby that gender😉

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