Chapter 72

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Derek left for his flight yesterday. The kids are at daycare and I'm at work.

I finish with a patient before I leave the room. I lock the door and walk down the halls. As I'm waking I start to feel something churn in my stomach.

I take a quick left down the hall into the bathroom. I open the door and throw up into the toilet.

I wipe my mouth with toilet paper before flushing the toilet and washing my hands. I leave the bathroom and finish my rounds.

I finish work. All throughout the day I kept on throwing up and I have no idea why. I pick up the kids from daycare and drive them home.

I pick up dinner because I don't feel like making anything and then drive home. The kids eat and fall asleep on the couch.

I carry them to their bedroom while I go back into the kitchen. I clean everything up as I wait for Derek to call.

He called me yesterday when he got to the airport and then again when he arrived in France this morning.

He said he wasn't sure how soon he would be able to call me so I shouldn't stay up late waiting.

I grab some things from my bag and started working. after working for a bit I start to feel sick again. I stand up and run to the bathroom and throw up again. "Damn it," I say wiping my mouth with toilet paper.

I get up and take a shower. I got dressed into my silk pajamas and went back to my desk in the living room. I tried working again but I continued feeling sick. I pick up my phone and dial Cristina's number.

"were you in a car accident?" she says as soon as she picks up.

"what? no, why would you ask that?" I ask.

"because you looked pale at work, I wanted to know if you passed out in front of the wheel," she says calmly.

"No, do you think it's the flu?" I ask. "what? you being sick?" she says. "yes, do you think it's that? or the cold, or something. the ever since yesterday I've been feeling sick. I've been throwing up since this morning," I say.

"did you take a test?" she asks. "what test? a Covid test?" I say.

"No, Meredith. not a covid test, a pregnancy test," she says.

"what, no. of course not. why would I do that?" I say. "because that would make sense," she says. "or, it's cancer," I say.

"Meredith, you don't have cancer," she says. "my mother had cancer and so did her mother," I say.

"shut up, Mer. you're not dying, there's just a child inside of you. take a test and you'll be fine," she says.

"Cristina, I'm not pregnant," I say. "how often do you and Derek use protection?" she asks. "never," I say. "Well, that pretty much answers your question," she says.

"I'm not pregnant, I don't feel pregnant," I say. "do you know what it feels like to be pregnant?" she asks. "No," I say.

"Meredith, you're pregnant, that's that, accept it. you're going to be a mommy, congratulations," she says. "shut up," I say. she laughs.

"have you told the daddy?" she asks. I can hear her stupid grin. "No, He hasn't called. and he's not a daddy nor am I a mommy," I say.

"ah, you'll be fine. you said Derek wants kids anyways," she says. "Okay, you are no help," I say. "call him," she says. "fine, goodbye," I say. "bye," she says before hanging up.

I turn on the phone and right after my phone rings again. I pick up the phone and answer it. "hello?" I say. "are the kids in bed?" he asks.

"yes, the kids are asleep," I smile at the sound of his voice. "how do you feel, better or worse than yesterday?" he asks.

"I guess, I have more energy than I did yesterday but I still feel sick," I say. "did you throw up again?" he asks. "I have been all day, and did twenty minutes ago," I say. "really?" he says.

"was that too much?" I say. "No, I want to you to tell me the truth," he says. "Cristina thinks I'm pregnant," I say. "what?!" he says shocked.

"don't worry, I doubt it but says what she thinks," I say. "Cristina works with you as a nurse, right?" He says. "yea," I say.

"she thinks you're pregnant?" he says again. "yes, but I also said I have cancer, so... I don't think that'll help," I laugh.

"Meredith," He says seriously. "I'm kidding, it just came to my mind because my mother had cancer and so did her mother, but they were much older than I am so we don't have that to worry about that," I say.

"you're mother had cancer?" he asks. "yes, it wasn't for long. they caught it on early and got rid of it in one surgery," I say.

"did you see her much when she was sick?" he asks. "No... she saw Lexie and Molly a lot but she never asked to see me so I never wanted to be where I wasn't wanted," I say.

"so if it's not either of those things what do you think it is?" he asks changing the subject, knowing I didn't want to talk about my mother.

"I don't know, maybe I caught the flu or something. I'm sure it'll be gone in a few weeks and then things will be back to normal," I say.

"that's good," he says.

Derek and talk for a few more hours before we hang up. I eat something before I get ready for bed. just as I'm about to get in bed I get a phone call. I figure it's going to be either Derek or Cristina.

I pick up the phone as I get in bed and lay down with the phone to my ear. "hello?" I say. "Hi, Meredith," I hear a mans voice, but it's not Derek.

"I'm coming back soon... for you," he says before the line goes dead. I place my phone on the nightstand and plug it in to charge and then I go to sleep.

I thought about calling and telling Derek about what happened with Andrew but I decided to wait until tomorrow.

What if they broke up?

Or someone cheats?

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