chapter 94

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I'm holding Meredith in my arms as she sleeps on my chest. she fell asleep about thirty minutes ago after we talked about names for the baby she got tired again.

then there was a knock at the door before it opens. "Mr. Shepherd, we talk to talk to you about something... it's important," a nurse says.

I gently lay Meredith down. she stays asleep as I leave the room and close the door behind me.

I walk down the hall with the nurse.

"what is it?" I ask.

"it's your fiancée's nephew. he was doing perfectly fine before the monitors started going off. I'm sorry the doctors did everything to save him but nothing worked. I'm very sorry for your loss, and please give Miss. Grey my condolences," she says.

"thank you," I say.

"How is Emily?" I ask.

"she's still doing just fine and everything with her is doing well," she says.

"thank you," I say before walking away.

I walk back to Meredith's room and see her awake now.

"what are you doing up? I left for five minutes," I say walking over to her and placing my hand on her back.

"I got a bad feeling," she says.

"what do you mean?" I ask.

"I don't know, I just a bad feeling, that's all," she says.

"Well... there is something I have to tell you," I say.

"what's that? did you make out with a nurse because if you did I'm going to shove that fork in your neck," she says.

"what, no! Meredith," I say. why the hell does she always think I cheated on her when I have something to tell her?

"Okay, just checking, but what do you want to tell me?" she asks.

"it's about Daniel," I say sitting down next to her.

"he's dead, isn't he?" she says.

"yes, I'm so sorry, Meredith," I say.

"it's fine," she says.

"you're not crying, you don't seem upset," I say wrapping my arms around her.

"I know, I don't like crying," she says quietly as she stares at her hand.

"Meredith, are you sure you're okay?" I ask.

"what am I supposed to tell people when they know Emily's a twin and she doesn't have one?" she asks.

"you can change the subject or make something up until you're ready to tell the truth," I say.

"How can I tell them the truth when I was the one behind the wheel, it's going to sound like it was my fault," she says as her voice trembles a bit.

"then make it very clear that your car was parked when the accident happened," I say, rubbing her arm comfortingly.

"or I just don't tell people and walk away instead," she says.

"or that," I say.

"Did they say why he died?" she asks.

"No, I don't think they know why or how he died. all she said was that everything was perfectly fine before things started going bad and they tried everything but nothing worked," I say.

"Okay," she says.

"do you need anything?" I ask kissing her shoulder.

"I have to plan a funeral... and I have to buy a casket or a child," she says.

"if it's too hard for you then I can do it," I say, kissing her head.

"who am I supposed to invite to his funeral? the only kid he liked was Daniel and now he's dead, do I tell Lexie, do I call my parents, do I go?" she asks.

"why wouldn't you go?" I ask.

"because technically it's my fault that he's dead, do you think they would come? I mean Lexie doesn't have very many friends I imagine and even if she did I don't think she would tell them she had kids... I don't know how to plan a funeral let alone a child's or even my nephews!" she cries.

"Meredith, it's okay. I can take care of it for you," I say softly as I pull her into my chest.

"it's not okay! I don't know how to do any of this," she cries.

"you don't have to, Meredith. I'll do it," I whisper against her head and kiss her head.

"Have you ever planned a funeral?" she asks as she presses her face into my chest.

"No, but I'm sure I can do some research... all I need you to do is give me some people that knew Daniel, we can invite Cristina," I say

"Most of the people that knew Daniel were children, we can't invite children to a funeral," she says as she calms down a bit.

"How old were you the first time you went to a funeral?" I ask.

"Five and it was a baby's funeral," she says.

"Were there other children there?" I ask.

"Yes, the baby's older brothers were there," she says.

"Then it's not that bad," I say.

"Look, I would be fine with taking my kids to a funeral because... well I think we would all look great in black but that's not the point. I don't think parents would want their kids at a funeral," she says.

"Okay, then we'll have a memorial service for him, that's something kids can go to," I say.

"Okay," she sighs. She closes her eyes and falls asleep a couple of seconds later.

I've never killed someone off a story before... and it's fun, might do it again😉

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