chapter 159

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four months later

I help Logan get dressed before Derek takes him to school on the way to work. I've been working for the past four months but now that it's becoming more and more visible that I'm pregnant my boss wants me to take more days off.

when I am working I only work with the somewhat sane people in the hospital. whenever I see the more crazier patients the first thing they look at when I walk into the room is my stomach.

and while I'm asking them the normal questions I ask them every day they also ask about my pregnancy. how far along I am, when's my due date, if I'm still with the father, what my son thinks of getting a new sibling, all questions that would be normal questions if it were coming from anyone who isn't in a mental asylum.

I've told Derek about it and he hates the thought of just them knowing I'm pregnant. he was there when I was first attacked by a patient a few years ago but now that we have the kids it makes things a bit harder.

I've switched to another asylum when we moved into the house Derek built us, one that was more closer to the house, but there are hardly any asylums near the house because we live in the middle of nowhere on a cliff and the one I used to work at is now three hours away.

the only downside of living to far away is Logan doesn't really socialize much. Logan's always been a shy kid which is normal for his age, but the only time he's ever really around children is in pre-school and he's only there for a few hours a day.

and when he's at home he's only with us. it'll be good for him to have another sibling but being social with your younger sibling is easier than with another kid you've never met.

even then I don't think Logan will get along best with the baby. he seems fine with it at the moment but that's mainly because the baby isn't here yet.

Logan is used to being the only child, the baby of the family, he's used to getting all my attention and most of Derek's. but when the baby comes I'm going to have my hands full with this one, and I we can only hope this one is as quiet as Logan was, but I have a feeling it won't be.

people always say the first one makes you want eight children, but when the second one comes along it makes you want to stick with two.

this baby's already more aggressive then Logan was and it's not even born yet. Logan kicked a fair amount when I was pregnant with him but it was hardly ever painful, they were usually small kicks throughout the day.

but with this one, it goes so hard I wake up in the middle of the night due the pain. even Derek has started sleeping further away from me because it kicks even harder when he's near.

Logan was always calm when Derek was around or spoke to him before we went to bed while I was pregnant with him, but this one is the complete opposite.

it's kicking has become bearable now that I'm used to it but all Derek has to do is try and kiss before it starts what feels like a tantrum.

Derek thinks the baby hates him, he also thinks Logan hates him because he's a mommy's boy. I don't know what to tell him, I know neither of them hate him but it's hard to get that in his head when he's already positive that both of his kids hate him.

I'm currently doing the laundry waiting for Derek and Logan to get home. Derek should've finished an hour ago and should be driving to Logan's pre-school right now.

thankfully, Logan's school isn't that far from Derek's work so Logan's not waiting for too long.

I finish the laundry and go back into the living room. I've already cooked dinner and it's sitting in the stove so it doesn't get cold.

I change into a pink t-shirt, sweatpants and tied my hair back into a bun before I sit down on the couch and grab a book from the locked drawer in the coffee table.

I open my book and go to the page where I stopped reading last time when I see a wrapped condom as I bookmark.

I roll my eyes and put the condom back into the box in the drawer. I closed the drawer and start reading again.

maybe an hour or two later I hear a car pull in and the front door open.

"is mommy asleep?" I hear Logan ask. "No, I don't think so, but she might be," he says.

"I'm going to go look for her," Logan says before he runs into the hallway.

"of course, the first person he looks for is Meredith," I hear Derek say to himself.

"don't be so jealous," I say. "Meredith?" he asks.

"I'm in the living room, did you forget we had one?" I say. "No, I didn't know you were in here," he says as he walks into the living room and sits next to me.

"are you still worried because you still think Logan likes me better?" I ask. "yes," he says. at least he's admitting to it now.

"he doesn't have a favorite parent Derek. he's three, he likes his mom, your mom said you were the same way so don't be a hypocrite," I say.

"Mommy!" Logan says excitedly as he runs over to me and jumps on the couch, hugging my tightly.

"Hi, baby. how was school?" I ask. "good, the mean boy moved to New Jersey!" he says smiling. his smile reminds me of Derek's.

"that wonderful, Dove," I say kissing his head. he climbs in my lap and lays his head on my stomach.

"I told you," he says. "Derek... you were the same way, why did you prefer your mother over your father?" I ask.

"because my father was never around and my mother was always there when I needed her," he says.

"Logan, who's around when you need someone, mommy or daddy?" I ask. "Mommy," he answers as he puts his hand my leg and closes his eyes. "don't fall asleep, we still have dinner," I say.

"did you get your answer?" I ask Derek. "I'm around a lot," Derek says looking at me before he looks away confused.

"Logan, why don't you go to Daddy when you need something?" I ask. "because Daddy doesn't know how to, and when he's busy he tells me to go to you," he says.

"does that help?" I ask Derek. "... yes," Derek says before he stands up and leaves the living room.

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