chapter 144

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I tie my robe around my waist and walk into the living room. I check on Logan and see he's still asleep. I lean down and kiss the side of his head as I feel someone slap my ass.

"Mm!" I yelp as I stand up. "nice ass, I'm glad It's still intact after what happened a few minutes ago," he smirks as he kisses me on the lips.

"that's not funny," I say. "I wasn't making a joke," he says. "yea, well... I'm actually starting to feel sick," I say, putting my hand on my stomach and sitting down on the couch.

"Why, what's wrong?" he asks. "nothing, I don't know. my stomach just feels weird," I say. "what kind of weird?" he asks.

"how do I describe weird?" I say. "I don't know, does it hurt?" he asks. "No, just feels..." I say. "empty?" he asks.

"a little, yea," I say. "then I'll make you something to eat," he says. he kisses my head and goes into the kitchen.

"I'm not sure if I'm hungry, Derek," I say. "why wouldn't you be hungry? you haven't eaten anything," he says.

"yea, but the emptiness is starting to turn into slight pain," I say. "okay... I'll make you something to eat and then you can take some meds," he says.

"Fine," I roll my eyes. "but some boxers on first," I say. "really?" he says. "no, briefs. I like those better," I smile.

"I don't know what it is with you and me wearing briefs," he says. he comes back into the kitchen, only wearing briefs.

"Where did you go to high school?" Derek asks from the kitchen. "um... Seattle Grace High School," I say. "why?" I ask.

"how many years did you go for?" he asks. "four, like everyone else, why?" he says. "did you like High school?" he asks.

"No, I didn't do it during the day. I waited a bit later during the day to do high school," I say. "why?" he says.

"Insomnia," I say. "is that what those pulls are that you take before bed?" he asks. "yes, I would go to bed at 6 in the morning," I say.

"And now you get up at six in the morning," he says. "yes, we have a wonderful alarm that doesn't have a snooze button," I say referring to Logan.

"how often did you go to school?" he says. "Once a week," I say. "so you're smart?" he says. "well, I'm a nurse for the criminally insane so... yes?" I say.

"That's good, even though I became a cop but I still got good grades," he says. "are you worried Logan will be stupid?" I ask.

"yes, I don't want him to end up like my sister," he says. "which one?" I ask. "Amelia," he says. "why? what's wrong with Amelia?" I ask.

"she did drugs in high school," he says. "honey, I think everyone does that," I say. "did you?" he asks. "No," I say.

"neither did I, and I don't want Logan or any of our kids to do drugs," he says. "we'll show him a video of someone dying and tell them that's what happens when you do drugs," I say.

"That's how you traumatize them," he says. "you want Logan to do drugs or not?" I ask. "No. we'll just tell him drugs kill people," he says.

"he's never going to take pills," I say. "that's what we want," he says. "why? so when he has the flu he won't take medicine for his fever?" I ask.

"Why does Logan have the flu?" he says. "Derek, I'm being serious," I say. "fine, we'll tell him not to take the bad drugs," he says.

"That's what all parents do," I say. "does it work?" he says. "did it work on Amelia?" I ask. "No," he says. "It's fine, Derek. I'll take him to work and tell them that's what happens when you don't listen to your parents," I say.

"that's a good idea. you would never let me take him to my work anyways, would you?" he asks. "definitely not," I say.

"then your work it is," he says. "neither of our jobs are safe," I say. "that means we know right from wrong and that we're good parents," he says.

"I still don't know about that last part," I say. "what are you talking about? you're a great mother," he says.

"for now, he's only a month old and he's going to hate me one day," I say. "No, he's not. he's going to be a mommas boy, if he wants you he's going to go to you when he's sad. you'll be fine, it'll be me who'll hate, I'm going to be the one who tells him no sex until he's 17," he says.

"I'm okay with that- seventeen?" I ask. "yea? that's when I lost my virginity," he says. "I was... I don't remember, how old was I when you met me?" I ask.

"how old are you now?" he asks. "how should I know, I don't remember any of that," I say. "Mer, you're 27, you really forgot?" he says.

"yes, so I was 25?" I say. "yes, Mer. you were 25, I can't believe you forgot," he says. "sorry, I have other things to think about," I say.

"do you at least remember how old I am?" he says. "37," I say. "so you're not that busy," he says.

"ages aren't on my mind, Der," I say. "whatever you say, baby. come eat, your food is ready," he says.

"I think Logan might be starting to wake up," I say. "that's fine, I'll watch him," he says. "thank you for not being a gaslighting fiancee," I say kissing him on the lips before sitting at the table.

"you're welcome" he says. he kisses my head before he goes over to Logan and eat my food.

 he kisses my head before he goes over to Logan and eat my food

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