They're here

437 34 6

Two days later


The jet lands after hours of being of this thing. We get off the plane and Derek drives me home.

We arrive at the apartment. I kiss him goodbye and go inside the building. I take the elevator to my floor.

I walk over to my front door and I see that the door is unlocked. How long has this been unlocked for?

I push the door open and walk-in. I close and lock the door behind me and go into the living room.

"When did you guys get here?" I ask as I see Emily and Daniel sitting on the couch with their backpacks and two large garbage bags sitting at their feet.

"Yesterday," Daniel says. "Did your mom bring you here?" I ask. He nods. I look at Emily and she doesn't say anything. She just continues to look down into her lap.

I bring my purse and bags into my room before going back into the living room.

"When was the last time you two ate?" I ask. Emily stays quiet. "The day before mommy brought us here, for breakfast we ate toast," Daniel says.

"So you two haven't eaten any real food in three days?" I say. He shrugs. It's almost midnight. "I'll go make something to eat," I say.

I go into the kitchen and make the kids something to eat that should fill them up. I already ate on the plane.

I place the food on the table and both kids eat. After they finish I wash the dishes. "Are you guys tired yet?" I ask. Daniel nods but Emily still looks at the floor.

I go into the closet and get two pillows and two blankets. They go onto the couches and I tuck them both in.

Emily closes her eyes and falls asleep immediately. I say goodnight before I go to leave the room.

"Auntie Meredith?" I hear Daniel say. "Yes, Daniel?" I say as I walk back over to him. "Is mommy coming back soon?" He asks.

"I don't know buddy," I say. He looks down with hurt in his eyes. I don't know how Lexie could do this to them, her out of all people.

"We'll talk more in the morning," I say. He nods his head as I walk back into my bedroom. I take a shower, get dressed in my pyjamas and go to bed.

I get a few days off work before I have to go back. That'll be enough time to get the kids some things.

The next morning I wake up and make breakfast before the kids wake up.

Derek calls me to ask how I slept and all. I bring up that the kids are here. Derek also doesn't have to work for a few days.

Derek offers to watch the kids while I go out and get some things for them today because he's coming over to build the bookshelf.

I try to say no but he insists. I give in and he says he'll be here in fifteen minutes.

I walk back into the living room and see that Emily is starting to wake up. I slowly walk over to her.

"Hi, Emily. Are you hungry? I made breakfast," I say softly as she sits up. "Where's mommy?" She asks quietly as she rubs her eyes.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but your mommy's not here, do you wanna come to eat?" I ask. "I want mommy," she says again as tears start to fill her eyes.

"How about we try calling her after breakfast, hmm? How does that sound?" I say. She nods her head.

"Ear breakfast and then you can take a bath and get dressed, alright?" I say as I take her hand and lead her into the kitchen. She nods.

Both of them have already asked about Lexie and I haven't had any good answers for them so far and I don't know what to tell them.

Not too long after, Daniel wakes up. He comes to the kitchen on his own and eats as well. Then there's a knock at the front door.

I tell them I'll be right back and I leave the table. I go to the front door and answer it. I open it and see Derek.

"Thank goodness you're here," I say hugging him tightly. "We saw each other last night but I'm glad you missed me," he chuckles hugging me back.

"How did the kids take staying the night?" He asks as we pull away. "Emily went to sleep right away and Daniel asked where Lexie was before he fell asleep," I say.

"Sounds like the normal," he says closing the door behind him. "Nothing about this is normal. Are you sure you want to watch them? they barely even know me," I say.

"Yes, we'll be fine," he says kissing me. "Fine, the bookshelf box is in the living room and I'll be in the kitchen with the kids. Do you think me bathing them will be weird?" I ask.

"What?" He says. "They got here yesterday and haven't eaten real food in three days and I don't think Lexie bathed them," I say.

"It might be weird for them, can't they do it on their own?" He says. "No, they're too young, I don't want them to drown," I say.

"Try your best not to make it weirder for them," he says. "Good idea, thanks for this by the way," I say kissing him again.

"You won't be saying that when you get tired of me," he says kissing me back. "We'll see," I say. He smiles as he walks away and does I to the living room.

I go back into the kitchen and see that they are both done eating. I take their dishes to the sink before walking back over to the table.

"Are you two ready to take a bath?" I say a bit nervously. Daniel shrugs as Emily looks down again.

"Do you usually bathe together or separately?" I ask. "Together," Daniel says. "Alright, I'll go get the water started," I say.

Once I get the tub filled with warm water, I get the kids. I help them undressed in the best way possible to not make it weird. Imagine being this young and your aunt that you've only seen when you were a baby is undressing you and you'll now live with her because your mother doesn't want you. Not easy I assume.

They both get in the tub. After about twenty minutes they finish and get out of the tub. I try them off and get them dressed in some clean clothes.

We go into the living room and they both play with some of the toys they brought. I walk over to Derek whose already gotten the bookshelf started.

"How'd it go with bathing them, was it weird?" He asks. "A little but they seem fine. I just wanted to check in on you, do you need anything, did you eat?" I ask.

"No And yes I did eat, thank you though," he smiles. I nod. "I'm going to go do the laundry because I'm pretty sure one of those bags their clothes is dirty," I say. He nods.

I kiss him before going to do the laundry. After the laundry, I go to the store to pick up some things for the kids. The kids that I will now have forever.

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