passive nightmare x flirty reader

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Requested by Cassie_Venom. Hope you enjoy.
Reader p.o.v

You smiled as you followed him around. "You really have nothing better to do then following me?" Nightmare said. You shook your head. "Nope. I'm just going to follow you until I get what I want" you said inches away from his face. "Please just leave me alone" he said rubbing the bone between his eye sockets. You could tell that was a but sarcasm. "Nooo" you said. "Only if I get a huggg~" you said scuffling towards him. Arms wide open. He hissed and backed away. But then in a split second he just looked away. Not moving from his spot. "Yay!" You said jumping up. Wrapping your arms around his middle.

He didn't close his arms around you. Only looking to the right and switching to the left. "Hmmm" you made a noise. Telling him this wasn't enough. "Hug me backkk" you said losing your grip. "Want something to drink. Because I sire could use something" he said walking away. Letting you fall face to face with the ground. You cried. "No why" you said. Then you looked up, smirking. "Time for stage two" you said. Nobody. Just to yourself.

You got up. And crawled like an animal over the floor. In the exact same footsteps he had walked. You were a predator and he was your prey. "Hehehe" you smiled. Looking from behind a wall to nightmare. He took a sip from a bottle. He was driving some sort of fruit juice. You held your back against the wall as you made your way over him. He wasn't eyeing you. But you knew he saw you. It wasn't like you were one with the wall.

You then got back to the ground to hug his left leg. Wrapping your body around it. Even though you were around nightmares length you were able to do it. "I'll be out tonight. Terrorise th city" he said putting the  drink back in the fridge. "Again? But then I'm going to miss you" you said. "I'll bring you something sweet" he said moving out the kitchen with you around his leg. Suddenly new plan. "Nightmare it's so warm in here!" You said dramatically holding your arm in your forehead. "Good thing you are COOL" you said. A smirk at the edges of your mouth. But he didn't react to it.  Not fair!. Alright alright. You got up. Grabbing his black hoodie. And pulling him straight towards you. Your mouth hitting his cheek. Then left a blush. But he quickly teleported away.

"He's cute!" You gasped as you leaned over a table. Slamming your hands down.

I liked making this one. It was a good request. Hope you enjoyed!
Word count 459

Undertale AU One Shots (REQUEST CLOSED) 2018/2023Where stories live. Discover now