-watch out for animals crossing the road- ut/us/uf/swf sans/papyrus x hybrid

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This is a special chapter. With the undertale, underfell, underswap and swapfell brothers x wolf hybrid human.
!This contains blood! And nudity ( yes nudity 😂🤔)
Enjoy bro
Reader p.o.v

"We've been in the car for so longggg" orange moaned. "OH HUSH, JUST A FEW MORE HOURS" blackberry said.
Two cars on the road, driving to their destination in the dark. The car that drove infront were the underswap and swapfell brothers and in the car behind them the undertale and underfell brothers. It would be a nice outing to a camping site but by now that thought has already been ruined. Mutt and (ut) papyrus were driving. They weren't the worse so they drove. "UH MAYBE YOU SHOULD TURN ON THE BRIGHTER LAMPS" blue said pointing to the road.

"There ain't going to happen anything" mutt turned around from his driver seat to face blue for a second. "MUTT FOCUS ON THE ROAD-" suddenly something flew against the windshield. The car was swinging. They all screamed. Blood was on the windshield. "WHAT DID WE HIT!!!!" orange grabbed the seat from mutt. The car was parked at the side and the other car behind them did the same. Blue didn't breath. He was in shock. Suddenly they all ran out the car. "WHAT THE FACK HAPPENED" edge didn't even tried to not curse. Classic, papyrus, red and edge also were out their car. "We hit something" mutt pulled a cigarette from his jacket but his brother blackberry smacked it out his hands. "WE'LL BETTER TAKE A LOOK" papyrus said.

Classic grabbed some flashlights as they walked back to the crime dialect. "You weren't distracted right" classic asked at mutt. "Nooo" he lied. Behind the car it was dark, very dark. Classic glared at them. "Ha, you fcked up" red said. When they all had a flashlight, they walked through the darkness. They saw a figure lying on the floor. "WHAT IS THAT" papyrus comment, flashlight landing on the figure. "A wolf?" Mutt said not stepping closer. "No, I think a monster hybrid. Look at how big they are" orange pointed to your long legs and big body.

Everything hurts. To your toes to the tip of your nose. You have just been hit by a car. Your leg was also pretty broken. And here and there some scrapes and bruises, with a bleeding head and nose. Damm luckily you survived it. And who the hell were these guys. They surrendered you and
shined down on you with a flashlight. You looked better. They were with the eight of them and all skeletons. Not the most shocking part because you were a hybrid. "So what we do now?" A voice asked. Someone was kneeling down at your level. You growled, saying to back off. "BLUE ARE YOU CRAZY" a taller one said. And he wanted to pull him back but he fell forward and he fell over.

You transformed into your human form and catched him. Ass naked, fully showing to the strangers. The skeleton in your arms was about to pass out and his whole face was blue. "A HUMAN- human?!!" All their mouths fell to the ground. Your figure now smaller and pupils blue instead of red.
"I don't get it anymore" a blue hooded skeleton said. "YOU MUST BE COLD" a tall skeleton with a battle body, sat on his knees and undid his scarf. And placed around you. It was like a tiny blanket. Then the small skeleton in your arms jumped up and covered your parts. "GUYS DON'T LOOK, DON'T YOU HAVE RESPECT" he said. In a awkward second they covered their faces. In your human form the broken leg was more painful. "SANS GIVE HER YOUR JACKET" a tall but dark skeleton pushed his 'brother' closer to you.

Without looking the smaller edgy looking skeleton pulled his jacket out. And handed it to you. And 'blue" pulled it around you. "Alright we absolutely have a problem" a tall but lazy skeleton said. "YOU THINK" a dark and edgy skeleton next to the tall and lazy looking skeleton. You felt the blood drop down your nose. Luckily you had healing magic. With the powers you could heal yourself. You placed your hand on your heart and let the healing magic do the work. If you place the magic directly at your heart, everything will heal at the same time. They all seemed flushed but also surprised at your high level of magic. Your were quite powerful. Sadly you don't talk. Your kind that is almost extinct, can't speak. Maybe you were the last one in your kind!!. Human hunters gets good money for a dead hybrid.

And speak of the devil. A car light went in all your faces. The car stopped but the light was still shining. You stood up, walked backwards and hid between the tall ones. You saw three male humans step out the car with a fat cigarette between their lips. They all had guns at the side of there hip to. "Listen freaks, give us that hybrid and we'll leave you alone" one of them said. You showed the humans your sharp teeth. You also hissed at them. One grabbed his gun and holding it at the head of the tall kind looking skeleton who gave you his scarf. You transformed back into your wolf form and walked on all four to the human. You saw the skeletons activate their magic. You growled at the one who pointed the gun at the skeleton. It felt like you needed to protect them so that's what you did. The other one human grabbed a gun to but the third one had a long teaser. Well you are f##ked. He was ready to give you a shock but he was blown away by the blue hooded skeleton. "That's what you get" he smirked. The other skeletons took a fighting position. "Doesn't matter monster, we will get her now or later" you hid again between the skeleton. Everything was better then dying, right. The next things were a bit blurry. You saw red light, blue and it orange lights fire at the humans while they shoot back.

After that the humans retreated and drove away. The skeletons walked back to their car. Leaving you alone again. At least you had some warm things. One of the cars drove backwards and the back seat door flew open. "Hop in it kid" the small edge skeleton now without his jacket. You absolutely took the hop in literally. You sat on his lap but also on the smaller, edgy but also energetic skeleton. You could hear him complain. "WHY IN OUR CAR" he said. With arms crossed. Now the swapfell and underfell bother drove in one car. The tall devil one was driving. (The tall devil one XD) you smirked, even in your wolf form you could smile.

Well here were you. In a car, with skeletons. Laying in two laps. They seemed nice even if some where looking scary. You didn't thought so. You looked up at the looking away skeleton, maybe he didn't liked you laying on his lap. Oh well the other skeleton seemed to like it. You transformed back to your human form and placed yourself on his lap. And oh boy did he blushed ten colours of red. You still wore his jacket, and a blue and red scarf. His hands got slowly around your middle. His head on your shoulder. "We should have found her sooner" he commented. Then he got a glance from the driver. "SANS YOU BETTER NOT BE A PERVERT" he yelled. Nah he wasn't a pervert. Your body seems fine. No damage. But you smelled blood. Not yours or the ones from them. But from the other car driving in front. One of then was bleeding!!. But you couldn't help him now. You couldn't talk and you weren't in the other car, so he needed to wait till the destination. You relaxed. That will come later. You had some awful things in your life and you could finally rest.

For now then.

*Sweats* sorry it took long😂
Word count 1365

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