yandere horror berry x teenager girl (part 3)

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You need some space, but when there are things in his mind he needs to kill an person for that. You need to read the other parts to understand this!!!!.Enjoy.
warning in this story sans if forcing you stuff.
Reader p.o.v

An arm was around your waist and upper torso. It was around midnight and you haven't slept yet. Was it because you where afraid off what he was going to do or what was going to happen. Your eyes start to close slowly though, you where tired and needed some sleep. Your eyes blinked a few times before closing them. But what you couldn't see anymore is that sans moved to your side awake, he was awake the whole time to wait till you fell asleep. That's kinda cute, and that's how he was thinking about you now. Laying still while looking so adorable. He couldn't help himself he needed you. He sneaked his arms over to your face so he could see if you're where really sleeping. He new you didn't slept that good so he needed to know for sure you had an good night rest.

As he layed back down he hugged your arms and shoulders for some warmth. Finally falling asleep, closing his eyes sockets. Time passed and he never stopped hugging your body close but you where asleep so it didn't borderd you. When sans woke up you where still by his side, you where probably tired. It was early enough for him to stand up. He rubbed his gloved hand over your cheek and softly began to lean in for an kiss on the lips. He had kisses her in her forehead many times when she slept but he didn't dare till now to take what belongs to him and only him. But it's not all true he had an kiss form you but that was only because papyrus was there.but something snapped into his mind, what if he dares to steal you alot claim you as his. He can't risk this. "Sans?" Shoot you where waking up but luckily you hadn't opened your eyes yet. "Morning Princes" he said quite trying the sneek out the situation.

You weren't really awake yet so you just plopped your head back down. "I'll be down in a few minutes if your make me breakfast" you teased hoping for some free time. With one eye closed and the other open you could see his expression. "ALRIGHT BUT DON'T BREAK YOUR PROMISE" sans said rushing out the door. And there was his loud voice again. When he left the room you just plopped your head back down.

Sans po.v

When I was out the room I sneeked to my brother's room. "Brother?" I wisperd. He just rolled to the other side and began to snoring. I began to form an sharp bone in my hand, I could do it just right here. Y/n wouldn't notice, she was sleeping. "Sans?" papyrus asked beginning to turn his body around. I disspeld my magic so the bone disappeared. "I need some ingredients for my tacos but am scared to go alone and y/n is still asleep" I wisperd not feeling guilty off my lie. "Oke oke I'll be down in a few minutes" he huffed closing his eyes again. "BROTHER I need them now" I pounted. I pushed him out bed an began to drag him with me. "You alright sans?" He asked as we walked out the door to the shop. "AM FEELING FANTASTIC" and because now I know for sure that my brother is in the way. Being an pervert around y/n that I can't except. And yes I noticed, all his doing around my sweet little human even if she's bigger then me.

Warning gore and blood

"BROTHER" he asked as we stopped. And before he could ask what's wrong he stabbed him in the chest.
--999999 damage
He began to cough up some blood as he held his wound. He held his wound with two hands. "Sans why" he asked as he slowly turned into dust holding his shirt. It was an sad looking but it was it all worth it. When there was only and puddle of dust he started kicking his brothers dust. And now this was done he could return to his human and his alone. If there where other monsters in his way he would kill them. Dusting his clothes clean and returning to his home.

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