horror berry x teenage girl part 2(forced love)

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Request by Lunastasya555 here we go. Enjoy.
Warning Smut and weird stuff.
Your p.o.v

Sans was hugging me close, not letting go. He was asleep almost 2 hours while I am still awake. Thinking about my past. Did I tell you he says things in his sleep, like love me and kiss me now. I don't now if am scared or confused. I pushed myself out off bed. Walking carefully downstairs. But it was to dark so I used the wall as support. Suddenly I fell over and landed on something soft. The light suddenly go on with made me see better.
My face flustered papyrus lay underneath me. My breasts pushed in his skull. Yep I was gonna die. "OMG, amsorryamsorryamsorryamsorry" I said getting up. Holding my hand out for him to take. He shaked his head the other side so I could see the crack on his skull better. An orange blush was formed on his skull where his cheeks should be.
"It's oke, I guess you couldn't sleep right as me" he said helping himself up. We stared at eachother before he sneaked away in the dark upstairs. I strugged my shoulders and made myself some warm chocolate milk. My cheeks had a bit tint. As i was done I layed myself in the couch not interested laying next to him.
Skip sleeping
I slowly opened my eyes only to met two dark ones. "WERE WHERE YOU" he said coming closer to my face. Remembering that I was sleeping in the couch. "Uuhh" I said looking around for an escape. Papyrus was probably still upstairs so running away to the door will be oke. "NO MORE EXCUSES" he said switching his fingers for my face. He placed his hands in my shoulders so he could push me back on the couch. "San-s" I said placing my hands against his chest. I closed my eyes for what was going to happen.
But a few seconds nothing happened. But suddenly something slimy and wet runned against my neck and cheek. I forces my eyes open to see him licking me. His dark long blue tongue kept moving around. "Mmgh~" he moaned as he licked the other side off my face. I wanted to scream but probably that would give me more trouble. I stayed quiet, not wanting more problems. He pulled my shirt down so my shoulder was showing more. "Am sorry oke" I tried but he decided to suck and lick. He grinned his body against one with was wierd. "Plz sans stop" I almost wispered.
But wait am bigger than him so why not tricking him. I smirked inside. I pushed him down so I was ontop. He looked shocked. But his face was absoluut blue. He really is a sin, wait aren't we both to young. "I couldn't sleep just understand that" I said looking in his eyes. He was thinking that's for sure but he decided to talk anyways. "BUT WHY DIDN'T YOU COME BACK" he said trying to wurm out my grasp. I shaked my head did he really not understand me. "Sans I will explore snowdin and everything else" I said looking stern to him. He simply nodded and it looks like he got the hind I want as fast out off here. I stood up letting him breath. I stepped to the door but something held me on my place.
Reader p.o.v

The girl was frozen, an blue shinning light was covered her making it unmoveble. "ARE YOU GOING TO LEAVE ME EVEN IF AM TAKING SO WELL OVER OUR PROBLEM" sans said as he stood up and stood behind her. "There isn't an OUR sans" the girl said looking forward to the door ready to make an run for it. "AS I SAID BEFORE YOU'RE MINE AND YOU WILL STAY HERE" he said standing for the door. She never really looked at his clothes but they where dusty and here and there blood streams in it. She looked away for another escape but tere wasn't so she needed to go trough this door. While she was thinking sans held his hand trough her soft hair. That makes her snap back in reality. "Stop that we aren't even something, just step away plz sans" the girl said trying to be nice and kind. But he wasn't working with her. She pushed him away from the direction making him fall over. The door was finally free but, someone else stepped for the door.
She looked up to see an not so happy papyrus. "Hi" the girl said forcing an smile. His eyesockets where black making him look really scary. She looked back at sans who had small tears on his skull. Oh come on she thought. She stepped away from her freedom and tilled sans up. "Am very sorry" she said forced. "AN KISS AND EVERYTHING IS OKE" he said. The girl gasped, how dare he to give her in this with an kiss. But still she had to. "Fine" she said giving in. She leaned forward and placed her lips to his theeth. He was enjoying the moment but the girl not really. Probably because papyrus was standing by the door with that psycho dark look. If this was her life it would be pretty hard.
And so days proceede, days become weeks. And she was still with them. She enjoyed a little bit off there company. But still sometimes sans wanted her to kiss him so she had not chance. He would deep the kiss and used his hand for touching her. Papyrus had warned her if she would hurt his baby bro she was death where she stood. But most off time he was normally. She inhaled as she smiled.
"Because my life is a bit better"
*Reader claps* this was it my life is over.
Word count 981

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