bill sans x attractive reader part 3

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Requested by VinaBerserker. Hope you enjoy.
Reader p.o.v

"You mean you really like me?" You asked. He nodded. "So you make a deal with me so i'm yours?" You asked arm crossed and raising a brow. He nodded again. "Yes" he said. Your face grew red. "So then what? You just kiss me without asking and touch me? That's not the right way to do that!" You said growing a bit. He rubbed the back of his skull. "Mostly I get what I want" he said. You rubbed your finger over the chain around your neck. "well I'm not so easy" you said tugging at it. He saw you struggle with it. He raised his finger and the collar en chain dissapeard. You rubbed your wrists. "Better?" He asked. "That was just the beginning" you said.

"If you want me to like you, you have to work hard" you said. He smiled at it. "So you like me to" he said smirking. Your cheeks a bit red. "I said if" turning your head away. "You were absolutely not a gentleman so you ruined it" you said. He still couldn't stop really smiling. "Alright I know, I'm an idiot" he said. You gave him a glare. "Alright and a pervert" he said. You laughed. "Now we're getting somewhere" you said. "So what do I do?" He asked. You almost laughed. "You don't know what to do to impress me?" You said. A light blush appeared on his cheeks. "No" he muttered.  But you heard it. "I'll help you only once" you said.

"Dinner, flowers and chocolate. Stuff like that" you said. He nodded. "I'll be right back" he said teleporting away. You smacked your hand in your face. He was probably doing something easy.

After a few minutes he came back. With only a bush of beautiful different flowers. You didn't looked impressed but you totally were. "You like em?" He said. You nodded. "There beautiful" you said taking the flowers and sniffing their scent. "Now, put this on" he said handing you a blindfold. You looked at him. Hopefully he wasn't going to kidnap you. But you sort of trust him. So you pulled on the blindfold. "Grab my hand" he said. Your hand flew around you. Not finding his hand. "Oh sorry forgot" he smiled as he took your hand. This was a soft touch you liked. Not compared to what happened back there. "I'm going to teleported" he said as you nodded.

As you both teleported you had no idea where you were. "I'm going to guide you towards something. Is that alright?" He said. You almost thought this was a whole different person then you've met. You nodded. "Yes" you said. Both his hands placed on your shoulders as he guided you. Him walking from behind you. And you blindfolded walking to where he guided. Suddenly he stopped so you stopped to. "We're here" he said. You reached for the blindfold. But he stopped you. "Wait just a sec" he said as you could hear him doing things. You had absolutely no idea what. "Okey, you can pull off the blindfold" he said. You did.

There was a large blanket on a beautiful hill next to a waterfall. The view was beautiful and some candles were around the blanket. Giving a beautiful damped light. He sat down as you sat down as well. "Here, I got you these" he said holding chocolate. And there was your blush again. He really worked hard. He opened the box as you took a chocolate and ate it. He wanted to grab one to but you smacked his hand away. He looked confused. But then you grabbed one and held it in front of his mouth. He blushed deeply. He opened his mouth as he ate it. Why is he suddenly attractive as character. Just because he gave you flowers and chocolate. Oh y/n, you little devil.

You remember the kiss back then. That was quite quick and forced. You were going to give him treat. "If this evening is going well, you'll get a kiss from me" you said. You saw how he couldn't stop having a small smile on his face.
You laughed at his reaction. Then the view around you pulled your attention. "It's absolutely gorgeous here" you said. He nodded. "Your gorgeous to" he  flirted. You almo pushed him away. In the beginning his flirting didn't hit you. But now. And then it hit you. You liked him.

But you are one little tsundere to hide it. "You're not wrong yourself" you said back. Great. That kiss was about to happen. You just knew it. "Oh now you flirt" he said laughing. You pushed him. "It's because you're different now" you said also laughing. "That's a good thing right?" He asked. You nodded. "Yes" you said. You and him then both looked at the view. His finger slightly touching your pink. You looked away but you moved your hand closer to his. Then both your hands wrapped around eachother. Face red again. You were holding hands with him.

After some time you both stood up. It was. Getting late and you were a bit tired. You could tell he was tired to. You both walked back. The teleportation would take his strength. Back at his house he made a guest room for you ready. As everything was set you grabbed the back of his skull and kissed him. He leaned in. The kiss was good. It felt nice. You pulled away. "Good night" you said. "Night" he said as you closed your door.

You slept great that night.

Yay, he's a gentleman now.
Word count 951

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