Nightmare sans x bad skeleton reader 3 fluff

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Requested by IchinoKurosaki.  Hope you enjoy.
reader p.o.v

You both travelled around. It had been some time. From portal to portal took time. Longer then you thought. You couldn't help but to let your pupil go to the corner of your eye. Looking at nightmare. You could tell he was bored.  Same counts for you. But... You're mouth began to sharp itself into a smile. Blood was going to be spilled today. Your boned almost rattling from excitement. "I sense something" nightmare said. Stopping the portal teleportation.

Your feet landing into snow. Letting your magic hide your soul. Just in case. "I feel it too" you said. Forming back your knife. Holding it tightly. Nightmare's back hit yours. Making both turn your head to look for a second in eachother eyes. Suddenly "ink" nightmare growled. You fell over when you got launched into the ground. Well snow. Paint holding you firmly to the ground. Nightmare used a tentacle to rip the paint from you. Without looking. Show-off. You got up. "What are YOU doing here" ink demanded. You looked up to nightmare. Who had his hands in his pockets. As calm as he could be.

You decided to wait for his command. "Oh you know. Just having a lunch break" he said sarcastically. A laugh escaped your throat. "Spare me the excuses. Leave or have the concequenses" ink said. Paint brush forward. "You know what it's going to be" you said. Ink didn't said anything after it. Just waiting. Then. He opened a portal. "Haha nope" he said throwing objects at the both of you. Ink left with a "byeee" the portal closing behind him. You dodged whatever ink had thrown at you. "Ouch shit" nightmare growled.

You turned your head back. Small sharp bones. You walked towards your master. Some small cuts here and there. His hp didn't even change. Naturally. "You okey?" You asked. He waved if off. "I can't stand him" he said dusting his hoodie. You nodded. Agreeing.

Suddenly you both held a gaze. Locking eyes. You leaned forward. "Hey didn't you were like twenty minutes ago: 'no I don't wanna do things with you' ?" He said. You took a distance again. "I said I didn't wanted to bang you when you would twist your finger." You said. "You're not error and his puppets" you said arms crossed. "Hm" he said. Leaning forward. This was such a hard relationship. You pushed your thoughts away. Kissing him. The bite mark on your neck getting more active. Nightmare's magic reacting to nightmare presence.

Your hand got onto his upper arms. Feeling the cuts on his jacket. The black goo slowly covering it though. For once the kiss kept gentle. But you wondered. Nightmare never was an easy target. Maybe he wasn't himself today? Maybe you were the one distracting him?. His fault he claimed you then.

You broke the kiss and pet his face a few times. "Let's get back. Maybe the others found your brother already" you said. It took some time before he nodded. You both telelported away.

Geez I should get a ticket for not updating. My bad!. Hope you enjoyed though.
Word count 532

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