underfell king papyrus x reader 2 (special chapter)

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Well here we go again. Requested by NightmareWolf937. Enjoy.
You should read part one first. So you'll understand the storyline
reader p.o.v

You woke up. Well actually he woke you up. And the sun just barely was up to. You groaned. "Why so early?" You said as you dressed yourself back to your clothes. Your back towards him of course. He just got dressed by the maids. "BECAUSE I HAVE THINGS TO DO AND YOU'RE COMING WITH ME" he said as he walked away. Should you follow him?. Or should you try to find a exit and tell your dad he has to move to a different town with you. Yeah option two definitely. But sadly papyrus stopped, turned around and give you a 'hurry up' look. You groaned as you walked towards him. You ate something quickly to.

Papyrus job was absolutely snaring at people and how they did their job wrong. You wanted to snap at him but you didn't forget he was the king. He could literally feed you to the dogs or throw you into the prison. And we don't want that. "Question, can I at least see my dad sometimes?" You asked. He looked down at you. "NO" he said. What did he mean by no?!. "Why not?" You asked. Keeping your anger in control. "BECAUSE I SAY SO" he said. Unbelievable!. You threw your hands angry in the air as you walked away. Papyrus didn't call you back so you had some free time.

You walked around the castle. Discovering their rooms and halls. And there was one room that made you gasp in surprise. There was a beautiful giant garden. A giant grass field and many flowers covering it. You haven't seen such beautiful flowers before. Suddenly there was a hand on your shoulder witch made you scream. You turned your face. Papyrus was behind you. "YOU LIKE THE FLOWERS?" he asked. Not even saying sorry for giving you a heart attack. But  besides that you looked back at the flowers. "Yes" you said.  From the corner of your eye you looked at his hand in your shoulder. How badly you wanted to slap it away. "IF YOU WANT TOO YOU CAN COME HERE ANYTIME YOU WANT" he said. Wow, he was trying to be nice. You didn't know he could. "I was thinking about a deal" you said. He let's your shoulder go. "TELL ME" he said. He probably knows what you're going to say. "You and I know exactly we can save a lot of time by this. So the deal is that I'll visit my dad whenever I want" you said. He stepped closer and brought his face closer to yours. "AND IN RETURN?" he said.

"I'll stay here with you and do whatever you want, I won't run or try to escape. Just please let me see my dad" you said. He leaned back. "I WANT A APPETIZER" he said. Of course. Your held back your disgusted face. But leaned towards his face and closed your eyes. You could feel his mouth touch yours. Well actually his teeth. This was a long kiss compared to the kiss yesterday evening. You pulled away. You were going to hate yourself but. "And if you agree I'll give you much more then that" you flirted. You could see how his mouth hang wide open. "WELL THEN, I AGREE WITH OUR DEAL" he said. But he pulled you towards you. "BUT IF YOU TRY ANYTHING, YOU'LL REGRET IT" he said. You swallowed and nodded. "GOOD, BE BACK AT SUNSET" he said. You smiled as you ran outside. Towards your house. "Dad!" You said happily.

"Y/n?" Your dad said as he ran towards you and hugged you. You hugged him back. He pulled away and grabbed your cheeks. "Are you alright?! Did he hurt you?" He asked stroking your cheek. You shook your head. "No I made a deal with him so I can see you" you said. He pulled away. "For how long?" He asked. "Till sunset. But I can visit whenever I like" you said. His smile faded. "And for return?" He asked. "I have to kiss him" you said as you cringed at the thought. "Let's just forget this. I've made dinner" he said. You smiled. "Sounds good" you said.

After eating with your dad you saw the sun going down. You looked at him. "Have to go?" He asked. You nodded. "Alright. You'll be back right?" He asked. You hugged him. "Of course, I'll see you tomorrow dad" squeezing him and then ran back to the castle. You barely just got back in time. You saw papyrus standing at the gaits of the castle. "LATE" he growled. You rolled your eyes. "No, on time" you said as you walked inside with him.

Boi, at least you can see your dad again.
Word count 816

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