zombie underswap sans x badass reader part 4

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Well because we killed papyrus it's now zombie sans x reader XD. Let's begin shall we?. Requested by VILLIANOUSLaura and CharlieChaos4
You might wanna read the first part so you understand the situation. 
Your p.o.v

You didn't know his name, but since you met papyrus you knew a male zombie skeleton was bad. "YOU KILLED HIM" he said. "Yes, or he would so something horrible" you said. If he wasn't going to hurt you then you wouldn't hurt him back. But you wern't interested in making friends. And yes a talking and smart zombie was special but not if it had any harmful thought. Maybe you were one of the last humans. That would be bad. You shook your head. "Show me the exit and we won't have a problem" you said. ''I CAN'T DO THAT, YOUR'E A PROBLEM'' he said. You looked around. Where would a exit be in here?. This place was giant. "Why?'' you asked. He stepped forward toward you. ''BECAUSE YOU'RE HUMAN OF COURSE'' he said smiling. You backed away.

It was time to go before something's happens. "OMG look over there!" you yelled. And he turned his head towards the way you pointed. You quickly turned around and ran away. "Oldest trick in the book" you laughed. ''HEY!'' he screamed as he ran after you. This situation made you think back with papyrus. Ugh your'e happy he's gone. "Listen he was touching me against my will so he got what he deserved" you said. And he killed that guy.

"HE WOULD NEVER" he said. Really?!. This got you angry. You stopped running as you turned around. "What did you thought when I was half naked on the floor with him drooling over me? Think he was gonna take a nice bite? No! He was going to do something different" you yelled. He raised a brow. "MY BROTHER WOULD NEVER" he said. You growled. "Then you didn't knew him that well" you said poking his chest with one finger. "DON'T YOU SAY THAT YOU MURDER" he said growling back. Wait what?!. "Excuse me?! You eat non-zombies and then you call me a murderer? Idiot" you said as you turned around and walked away. How dare he.

He didn't follow you luckily. Maybe you finally had some peace. Well actually no, the world is still falling apart. The humans getting killed and made to zombies. If papyrus and sans wern't bad maybe you could have a nice talk about what happened to them. But no. They were bad. Maybe sans not as bad as papyrus but still. A zombie is a zombie. You looked behind you. He really wasn't following you. Maybe he was crying over his death brother. Not your problem.

I know, short, but I wanted a sort of good ending were sans doesn't die.
Word count 476

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