Lamia red x reader

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Sleepy while making not friends. Someone is watching you close. How do you say his name again, snas😂. Enjoy.
This is a chapter from a book I'm working on
Your p.o.v

Omg it felt like you've been drugged or something. "Where am I" you opened your eyes. Still wearing that white shirt dress. The view was beautiful and this was maybe the first time in years you've seen such threes. You couldn't stop it and said ,"wow" you began walking but it wasn't pleased. And then you noticed you didn't have footwear. Wow they really now how to dress you. You walked a few meters and saw a beautiful river streaming baby blue. You took a step forward so that your feet were comfortable in the cool water. Yes this was nice. But wait a minute, they dumped you. Does this mean that you are finally free or that this is another test. You looked around and up and but saw no signs of life except birds flying happily around. But suddenly the birds flew away screaming, what was going on. When you put yourself closer to the water you started washing yourself. But suddenly you saw a super large shadow bent over you by the water reflection.

You turned around to see a super large snake skeleton. your heart was ventilating. it took less than a minute and you ran straight into the pond. you held your breath. You could see his body figure because the water was so clear. A hand swore through the water towards you. You swam as far away as possible from the beast. But the current took you and suddenly you fell meters down. Thank you waterfall. A nasty sound came from your throat when you fell. Seconds later you crawled into the land. you cough out some water, no wonder if you almost drown. "I didn't now I starteld you that much dollface" you looked up shockingly. How the hell-. Something touched your leg and it turned out to be a tail. "Name's sans darling" he held his hand out. Yes you did not take his hand but you looked at him appearance. He was a snake to his waist and his mark was red with dark red stripes. After his waist a sort of cloth was offered around him, just like the Egyptians did. And of course his skeletal body for the rest. "It's rude not to shake hands and I assume you have a name or not?" His face changed to not so happy. His hand was still there, waiting for you to grab it. Maybe he was a good guy even if he is scarry, you thought. You took his hand and shook it, but when you wanted to pull away he did not let go. "Uuh" he pulled suddenly you to his body. "I've never seen your kind before, what are you" as he looked around your body. You've never seen a monster looking like this.
"Can you let go" you looked him in the sockets.

"Not before you tell me your name dollface" suddenly he ran a tongue over the right side of your face. "IT'S Y/N" but he didn't let go. You wipped with your hand the red saliva away but he just licked you again. From your shoulder to above your eye. "Mmmhh your really taste good~" before he could lick again you freed yourself and walked away. This wasn't interesting anymore. But your whole body was pulled in his grib. His tail was tight around you as he bent over you. "Where do you think you are going baby?!" Sans said holding you close. He opened his mouth, and it looked like you could fit perfect. Think y/n, THINK. "Wait I have to pee, you don't want that inside you right" he closed his mouth to look at you. Your face was red. You didn't need to pee but it was a good excuse. "I gobble up monsters that have crawled through the mutt and are digested in a heap of nothing, do you think I mind?" He laughed. It really looked like it didn't do him anything. "But my last wish is to pray" you looked at him with a sad face. Plz just plz be tricked. "Alright but I'll have to watch, and don't forget if you run away it will be very unpleasant for you how I'll eat you" he set you free.

You walked to a tree with one plants where you could hide perfectly in. "Can you close your eyes at least" only this will make everything easier. And thank the god he closed his sockets. "I can't wait for you to slide in my throat" his tongue was hanging out. At the thought that you are devoured by a beast and is digesting in his belly was not a fine thought. You went on your hands and knees and through the tall grass with plants. You watched him all the time. You felt some dirt under your hands and you noticed that it was a kind of mud clay. "Don't open your eyes yet, am still praying" you said a bit harder because you where crawling away from him. He only groaned but didn't look. You started to rub it gently but quickly so that you would not stand out if you were lying on your back. All of a sudden you threw two large stones far in your direction as hard as you could. And fell on your chest as you held your breath. "Kiddo I said no running, but I won't mind slurping you up hard~" you heard him slithering to the direction you threw the rocks. After about two minutes you ran the other way silently covered in the clay. You could hear his voice from far away, but that was muted by the meters that lay between you and him.

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