ink sans x reader forced smut

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Oh my, me likes this😏. Requested by Dragoncorner. Enjoy.
warning some things that are not meant to be read by kids
Reader p.o.v

Anddd there where you again, in the void laying there on your back facing only whiteness. Probably error had dragged you here in your sleep, you hoped so. He had talked a few times to you but you weren't specifically from a undertale eu so it's not like you really new him. And then there was ink, he was like the good guy if you look at error. He was kind, nice and very innocent. You new him better then anyone so it was like an good friendship nothing more. Right?.

But today was bad day to be in heat for ink. How could he see you now if he's so damm hot because of this stupid heat. Y/n, it felt always so right when he said that name or drawing her. He couldn't get enough. And that was the problem. You where right now in the void waiting for something to happen and he was to scared to walk now right to you. But he did. He teleports himself next to you. And when he saw you, he just couldn't concentrate anymore.

Ink had a breakdown and fell on you. Your face turned light pink and his face colored too. Even though not much happened in your friendship, you closed your eyes and your lips forward. Your lips came in contact with his mouth. It was nice but who knows this friendship would become more than that. You had no idea how to feel about this. But yolo. You put your arms around his neck and it went on for a while until ink pulled away. ''Did I do it wrong?'' you asked.

''no, no but I- I don't know how to say it" he stuttered. He slapped his hands in his face as he blushed through his hands. ''Hey you can tell me" you took his hands off his face when you looked at him. ''I'm in heat'' and then there was silence. A friend once told about the heat cycles monsters would have. He placed his hand on yours. Yes, ink was a perfect romance boyfriend but did you want too go further then just god friends?. The kiss was at least nice. And it does not make your feelings stronger or driven by love. ''I think we can only be friends. and I really think you should solve this yourself''. Yet it hurt, but you got up and walked away. sometimes a portal was created automatically and you could continue with your life.

''You can't leave'' you turned around to see ink had a red tube in his hand with the lid off. Ink had never really told much about the tubes that he always carried with him. Some said they were human souls that were melted in a tube. You knew ink's life and the no emotion-side. If he drank that, you don't know what can happen. ''Ink don't you dare" maybe it would be a wise way to run. But to where?!. If only you were magic. It went so fast. from just sitting in the void to kissing with your best friend and now he looks like your enemy. He drank the red soul from the tube and you could see his pupils change to bloody red.

''This heat is fucking killing me and i'm so turned on" he smirked at you. "CoMe PlAy WiTh Me'' he shot his giant brush out to you. His bones rattled. Just when you could take a step, you fell down, panting. your heart ached. But you were not even hit - you looked down on yourself when you saw a black spot aiming your heart. And suddenly your muscles stopped and you lay lifeless there. ''You should know better y/n'' he moved from his spot away your vision . And sat on your back. He moved from his spot out your vision . And sat on your back. "Ink!" You said trying to move but couldn't. Al least you could talk.

His hand moved itself around your neck squeezing it. This wasn't ink. This wasn't your best friend. Who was he. Then he started to bounce up and down on your back and rubbing his pelvis on your back. Your mouth fell open and your face flushes. Then he moved his hand to your breasts and began squeezing them. "NOO INK!!" you cried as he kept doing his thing. This it the most weirdest and embarrassing thing that ever happened to you. Why was ink doing this?. Was he so deep in his heat he lost control and drank so he had a anger emotion. Aw who cares, you need to get the hell out of here. Then he stopped and moved your head to the right side and kissed you again. Only this one was very unpleased.

You almost couldn't breathe anymore. But luckily he pulled away only to kiss you again but then with tongue. How can skeletons even have tongues?!. You didn't want to know. He rolled you over so he could sit in your lap. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you" he said lifting up your shirt. No, no, NO. "I SaId HE wAS CRazY, bUt YoU DiDn't wAnt tO beLieve Me" your eyes scrolled to your left as you saw error standing there with his hands in his pockets. "ERROR, PLEASE HELP ME!!" you cried begging him. He grinned as he summoned a gaster blaster. Pointing it at ink. Error blast ink off you as he flew a few meters. You tried to wiggle your finger as they fought and to your success it worked.

Slowly you could move your toes and arms. And you could roll yourself over and crawl away from the fight. "Where do you think you're going!" Ink said in his darkest voice you've ever heard. You looked back as you saw black stuff coming from his eye sockets. You tried to move as fast away from him but he stepped painful on your feet. Well that was very painful. Luckily error attacked him again so you could stand up. Your muscles still were sore, but better this then nothing. When ink's back was to you, you sprinted to him and punched his as hard you could against his skull. That's what he get for touching you. He fell down and didn't move. Tears streamed down your chin. If error wouldn't be here to save you he would rape you or maybe even kill you.

But then error was teleported away by ink and later only ink came back. He grabbed your hair and pulled you firmly up. Hanging from your hair was absolutely very painful. "Shame on you, y/n" ink said shaking his head in a mock way. "I still need to do a lot of things with you" holding you close to his face. He snapped his fingers and the two of you where in nightmares castle.



Well who would have thought about that. Ink you prick!!!!.
Word count 1195

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