horror berry x teenager girl (forced stuff)

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No request but I love horror so why not make it horrible cute. Enjoy.
Warning cursed word and !!gore, fluff!!.
your p.o.v

Asgore is creepy as fuck, I mean he almost tried to strangle me in my sleep. Let me tell you something about me. My name is y/n, l/n. Some scars are on my body because of temmie. I made an sigh as I walked through the woods. I've met an skeleton, can you believe that. He asked me for an head dog but instead he wanted to chop off my head. So I ran away into the forest. Not my best move, because it was dark, scary and the best and last; MONSTERS THAT EAT HUMANS. And guess what I am A HUMAN. so some monsters where running after me. "Fuck fuck fuck" I said while running and cursing together. I hid behind an tree holding my breath. Suddenly everything was quite to quite. "No plz" I heard someone say for an splashed sound was heard. I peeked just a little bit around the tree. There was another skeleton only this on was very small. He had an moster in his arms, and it looked like it was his scarf but then scarf hands?. The scarf hands slashed the monster head off with one slash. He had an blue jacket with blood on it, he had an black pants with grey shoes. And guess what? Blood was on it. He let the body fall as he cleaned his normal hands while his scarf hands returned to his back and around his neck. One is face he had an blood spot and his eyesockets where stars with red. He turned around making me jump back. I held my breath, plz don't find me, plz don't find me, plz don't find me, plz don't find me. I turned once away to see only an bloodbath off the monsters that were following me. The small skeleton seems the dissapeard, is the world safe again. I didn't even take one step and I feel something around my wrist. I looked down to see the scarf hands. "Wha" is said as I looked down for me. And here he stood ready to bite into my flesh. "I FINALLY GOT YOU HUMAN" he said proudly. "Who are you?" I asked while looking him into his eyesockets. "YOU AREN'T AFRAID OF ME?" he said as he stepped closer. "Nope" I asked back, he held his hand out as he removed his scarf hands. "I AM THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE SANS" he said. "BUT YOU CAN CALL ME BERRY" he said again as I shook his cold skeleton hand. "Nice to meet you berry, my name is y/n" I said as I smiled kindly. "ANS YOU ARE NOW MY SLAVE" he said. "Oké- wait what?" I tried to say. He inhaled deeply, "I SAW YOU WHERE TALKING TO MY BROTHER PAPYRUS, HE'S ALWAYS LAZY BUT NOT TODAY HE REPORTED THERE WAS AN HUMAN SO I CHECKED IT OUT, AND I SAW YOU WHERE RUNNING AWAY FROM THOSE MONSTERS SO I DECIDED TO SAVE YOU" he said as he took another deep breath. "But why then" I said trying to get out off his grib. "WELL YOU SEE, WHEN I SAW YOU RUNNING MY SOUL JUMPED AND YOU LOOK TO NICE TO BE HERE. SO MY POINT IS I SAVED YOUR LIFE SO NOW YOU'RE MINE" he replied. Mouth was literally hanging, what was he thinking. He's like twelve our something but who- PAPYRUS. It has to be that human killer. And again he let go but one of his scarf hands placed himself on my hip. "LET GET GOING Y/N FOR SOMEONE MIGHT SEE YOU" he said while walking forward. From my eyes I saw papyrus with his axe smiling creepy.
Not much later we arrived and it looked normal from the outside but the inside was horrible. There was an green couch with viable scar's on it. And don't forget the blood here and there.
Horror berry p.o.v

My plan was going exactly as planned. Papy told me about her experience with him. That she wasn't stupid like the other humans that fall down. No she was interesting, not looking at people like we are creeps. She was actually smiling at me, that me made not to kill her and eat her brain. I removed my scarf hands and pulled her with me upstairs. "PAPY MAKE SURE OUR GUEST DON'T ESCAPE" I said happily with give her shivers. I opened my well cleaned bedroom on the contrary, to papyrus. "GO ONE, YOU CAN EXPLORE" I said smiling with made her smile back. She walked around my room touching some stuff and books. I felt my soul pounding against my ribcage. Later she sat down on my bed testing how soft it was. "Wow your bed feels nice" she said hopping on it. I placed myself next to her breathing her smell in. I ruffled my hand in her hair bringing it closer to my nose bone. Her face had an little blush, maby I can take an next step into our relationship. "Y/n?" I asked while looking up. She nodded for an yes. "MARRY ME" I said holding her arm with both off my hands. She took an breath making her blush disappear.
"Sans listen to me, I now you like me and I like you to but not it the way you do. And am absolutely not ready to marry yet" she said making an forced smile. My soul broke, didn't she loved me the way I do?. "But hey we can always be best friends" she said as she give me an warm hug. We will marry but maybe not today then. I nodded, I placed my skull into her neck with made her breathing stopped. I smelled her hair I was definitely laying if I said that I wasn't enjoying this. My scarf hands automatically warped around her hips. "San-s" she stuttered, aw it's adorable when she's saying my name. My normal hands where around her shoulders. Keeping her into my hug. "Call me berry" I said.
Some Time passed and papy called us for dinner. Y/n shuffled downstairs while I was right after her.
Papyrus p.o.v

I was watching every step she took. She looked kinda nervous maybe because I wanted to kill her?, Nah that can't be it. I watched closely as she sat down while sans was saying things about the underground. "AND THAT'S THE REASON WHY WE ARE HERE" he said happily. We made eye contact as I looked strict. I saw an sweet drop falling down her face. "WHAT DID YOU MAKE" mah bro said to me as he leaned in. "Bloodsoup" I answered. "What is bloodsoup?" The girl said while looking curious. "The word says it, blood in soup" I said with made her cringe. "TOMORROW I'LL WILL COOK" he said while slurping some soup. "Sure bro" I said as I sat down. We both start drinking the soup except the girl. "AREN'T YOU HUNGRY Y/N" he said, oke so her name is y/n got it. "Am not very hunger right now, maybe later" she said smiling as she shifted the bowl with soup. "Aw come on kid, I've made sweat and blood into this" I said grinning. With made her made an little growl. I looked at her eye color and it was e/c. She whore an s/c shirt. And she had not to small or to big breasts. Oke I might be an horror killer but not just this once. I starred which was weird. She made eye contact with anger in her eyes. "THE HELL YOU LOOKING AT" she screamed at me. Okey maybe I had to do it when she was asleep. Sans looked confused but when she said that I looked at her in that way her he raised his eyebrow. She stomped away upstairs. I snickerd, "PAPYRUS" sans said as he also got upstairs.
Reader p.o.v

Sans slowly walked upstairs trying to find out where you hid. He looked into his room, the room off his brother and some other rooms but you weren't there. Suddenly he heard the water turned on. He walked to the bathroom and leaned against it. He heard you humming an song, never he heard such sweet voice. He froze, was the door not closed?. The shampoo slowly sliding down her hair. It was nice when you have headache from those weirdos. I mean she didn't even now them an whole day and now she's showering in the bathroom off them. She didn't heard an click from the door coming as he peeking in. The blush on a his face was not normal. Or the first time he saw an human naked or at least the back, not her front. He then noticed something there where scars on her whole back. He closed the door and walked downstairs. "PAPYRUS CAN I TELL YOU SOMETHING" sans said as he joined him on the couch. "Off course bro" he answered back placed his axe on the couch. "WELL I KIND OF SAW Y/N UNDER THE SHOWER AND SHE HAD A LOT OF SCARS" he said looking down his boots. "I don't now sans, maybe something in her past" papyrus said. They looked eachother in the eyes, they had an plan.
Your p.o.v

After I finished I pulled on my clothes again. Rolling up by shirt, I looked into the mirror facing my back to it. Those ugly scars will never dissapear. I walked down as I saw sans and papyrus talking to eachother while argumenting. "Um" I said as they looked at me. Suddenly I was pushed down on the table, berry was holding my upper body while papyrus reached his axe up. My eyes widened but closed when he only ripped my shirt down. With was embarrassed, my bra was now showing but that wasn't what they where looking for. "SEE" sans said while pointing to my stomach and arms, sides. I start struggling. "Your not supposed to see this" I said but the grib didn't disappear. "Your right bro" papyrus said as he touched an deep scar. He rolled me on my back so they could see more. I heard them both gasping as my back was realised. Cold skeleton fingers crawled up and down.
Well here she lay with to skeletons that are rubbing her back.
"Kid the fuck happened to you?" Papyrus said as he rolled me back. My hands where released but the eyes not. "Nothing" I rubbed my wrists where sans had hold them. "DON'T LIE TO US Y/N" sans said not very happy. "Only if I can put on my shirt again" I said covering my private part. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it back on. "Start explaining kid" papyrus said as he sat me on the couch. Sans or berry sat on the other side off me. Trapping me fully, I made an sigh.
"It all happened when I was younger, my mother died by my birth. It was my father and I, because I've didn't get an full growing up I've never been with the good people. One day my father became drunk, I didn't now what to do but when I tried to leave him my life changed. He had pulled an knife as he start screaming it was my fault. He had bound me and cut me over and over. He even had locked me in the cellar so that I could not leave. Every day again and again".
I said as I opened my eyes again. Berry was crying and papyrus looked like he was holding himself in. Sans hugged me with made me smile. Papyrus patted my head.
Wow another long story, see you guys and girls later.
Word count 1993

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