friendly lamia error x reader (short)

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Requested by _suger_high_. Hope you enjoy.
Your p.o.v

"Error?" You said as you stepped into his open terrarium. There was no answer. Was he hiding?. "Erro-" a weight fell on top of you. You looked up. "YoU're StiLl NoT FAst" he laughed. You crossed your arms with trouble. "Alright yes I'm slow. Can you get off me now" you said as you tried to get away. But because he was probably four times your weight it wouldn't even budge. "You Are sO CuTe TryInG tO escaPe Me" he said as he hugged you. You had to feed him and then go back to work. "Then you won't get any food" you said. He gasped but then smirked. "tHen I'lL eAt yoU" he said opening his mouth. "No I'm not food you noodle" you said laughing as he licked your face. "AwW" he said as he let go.

You walked away and got his food. With he ate quickly when you gave it to him "Wanna watch a movie?" You suggested. "SUre" he said as he followed you to the living room. He took the whole couch when you turned on the television. When you turned around you crossed your arms. "Really?" You laughed. He opened his arms. "Nope, you claim the couch. I'll claim the ground" you said as you flopped yourself in the ground. Laying with your back against the couch. Zapping through the channels. "DiD I mAke YoU mAd?" He asked as he tongue flicked in and out. "Yes" you said grinning but using a flat tone.

Suddenly his two arms wrapped around your middle and he lifted you up. "Hey!" You said. Not expecting that. "I'lL sHAre mY CouCh As a SorrY" he said. "Your couch?" You asked. "AlrighT OUr coucH" he said as he placed his head on top of yours. "Better" you said as finally found a good movie to watch. He hugged you. And you wrapped your arms around his. He was such a good friend. "You are so nice" you said rubbing the side of his skull. "HMfp" he said as he hugged you more. "Awww" you couldn't help yourself by saying that.
You both watched the movie till the end and enjoyed it.

As you turned off the television you and error both had some snacks. Even though dinner would be soon. You both wanted some snacks. You were a adult so you could do whatever you wanted. And so could he. Yes error was a nice friendly lamia. And he always be.

Word count 426

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