mermaidtale/fell/swap x female skipper

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I was so happy this formed in my mind 😍. Also my phone won't work so I'm writing longer then usual. My apologies, but Enjoy.
This is your beautiful boat. It's a Alexander Marine USA .

Your p.o.v

"Dad!! I'll be fine" you said trying to convince him. "It's not save" he yelled back. Well this was not easy. Sailing a little way can't harm right. Yes it was true that the ocean is big and that ships have sometimes disappeared, but how big is that chance. Your dad thought for a few seconds. "Alright, I think you're old enough to do this without your old men" he laughed. In the beginning he was absolutely not happy that you would go without him but you are not a little kid anymore. When everything was packed. You're dad told things about how to do everything, like you've haven't seen him seal. He hugged you tight for a good twenty seconds. After he let go. He helped you loosen the boat, the boat started to sail and you both waved goodbye. "Be save!!" He yelled to you from far. "I will!" You yelled back as you slowly put the boat in the second gear to go faster. 

You could perfectly handel this on you're own. The boat was a little big for just only you but you new this boat from the bottom to the top. so there was no worry, right?. As the boat began to sail farther and farther, fog slowly appeared. It fascinates that it is a bit foggy. totally crazy. Wait a minute, was that an island ?. No that is not possible. you have not been sailing for half an hour, how is it possible. You've heard stories about how the boats mysteriously disappeared, but a legend is just a legend. You have known these seas for a long time, since your father since you're birth have been at sea in his spare time. Teaching you a thing or two. But how is it possible that you have never been here before?. The wind began to set up and the waves became higher and more active. The water bumped into the bottom of the boat. But wait, the waves suddenly pull back. that makes you curious.

If water withdraws into the sea or close to an island, that can only mean one thing. A tsunami!!!. With a sweep you changed course. You have promised your father that you will return all the way. When you turn around you saw that the wave was about the same size as the boat. "fck'' you screamed. You put the boat in it's highest gear. You had to leave here very quickly. You could hear the engine of the boat roar through the waters. If the waters splash over the boat you might be in big trouble. And yes you can steer inside. But there is no time to run inside. And most of times when there are tsunamis you shouldn't be outside but if the boat drowns then you probably drown to. And we won't want that do we.

But the wave was suddenly faster then your boat. "Oh shi-" before you could finish an giant wave trew you away into the deep water. The waves didn't stop so swimming became hard. you went under water a few times, making breathing difficult. You sometimes swallowed some water and as if it couldn't be worse you saw the boat drift away from you. "Hkrg" another wave splashed itself over you making you drown. Your body floated through the dark waters as you sank. Your eyes were still open and you saw what was happening, but you couldn't do anything. Not even move an muscle. It hurt after a few seconds. you were really drowning !!. Something was swimming super fast past you. No way was there an shark here?!. You could feel eyes burn through you. You had just enough air to turn yourself around. Meeting two sockets, yes sockets. And a skull, with ribs you could seen through and a tail. It hit you, This was a mermaid. Or a merman because it had bone muscles so probably a male. Yes this was all fake you've probably death already. This was just an dream. Two pair of skelton hands made there way around your head.

Huh weird dream or last moments. What would your dad do when he noticed you're no longer coming back.
Probably send the whole army to find you. Suddenly air pumped through your lungs making you gasp. You could breathe!, So you're not dead yet. Eyes focused on the skelton merman as he had his teeth against your lips giving you air. Unbelievable, so an skeleton that lives gives you air and he doesn't even has lungs. Yeah that makes sense.


Your eyes closed again and when you opened them again you were laying on an beach. And your boat was a few meters away from the beach so you could easily swim to it. You grabbed your chest, but you drowned. How the hell were you still alive?!. Looking at the left to see nothing and looking at you're right to meet the same blue sockets as in you're dream. So it wasn't a dream! He really did saved you.

"Thank you for saving me" you said sitting up to take a better look at the beautiful sign. A hand touched you upper arm and the other began wriggling his fingers trough your hair.
He saved you and if this was a way to pay him back by letting him pet you so let him. You only had to find a way back. He seems not to understand you so you pet his shoulder in return. Suddenly something wet touched your cheek, making you turn to him. "Uhh oke" you said nervous. He was licking you cheek and he seems to enjoy it. There can be no harm in this right. And then you almost screamed your lungs out. In the water five other skeleton heads watched you closely. "Omg" you said jumping up. This was unbelievable, This was still a dream right. You were less than a feet from the water and that meant that you were close to those other skeletons. And as if it couldn't get any worse, something just grabbed your ankle. It felt the same as when that merman saved you but this one felt rougher. You looked down and saw that it was indeed right. This one had orange pupils in it's sockets and looked like he was about to do an move.

You were right again. You flew into the water five feet far from were you sat. Did he really throw you?!. This was so unfair. "Come on!!" You tried to swim back but your body was pulled back into the waters. Now four pair of hands touched your legs. This was going the wrong way. And woop you disappeared, your whole body was now under water. Thankfully you weren't the worst in swimming and luckily you could hold you're breath for some time. So looking into the eyes of the devil it is. Now a taller and murderous merman was staring right at your soul. He had an scar on one of his eye sockets and a good grip at both of your arms. And then the one who saved you was suddenly at your side. And it looked like he was talking with he others. Oh god plz say he's going to let go soon. The air in your lungs was up. Luckily the devil merman let go so you could swim for some fresh air. "Uuufgghh" that was the beautiful sound you made from air need. Now where you supposed to swim back down.You could take the risk. Oh well why not. You took a deep breath and swam back. It felt so much better with air in your lungs. You could tell that they were with their sixes and that they were almost brothers or something like that. You noticed that they all had beautiful fins. One began pointing to your legs. And they all focused how your legs moved so you could swim. Haven't they seen legs?, probably not. Oh dear god they began touching your legs again.

"How will this end?"

I hoped you enjoyed. My poor fingers.
Word count 1398

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