underlust sans x innocent reader x underlust papyrus (fluff)

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Requested by SuperSmellyDinosaur. Who's in for some fluff with the underlust brothers?. Enjoy
Reader p.o.v

You left the ruins. You still couldn't believe how toriel acted. You didn't really understood it. But whatever. When you walked through the snow a sound of a branch that broke. That was the moment you met sans. He tried many times to get his hands in your pants. Just like papyrus and the other monsters. You weren't interested or did you know what was going to happen if you let them. But besides that they were very nice. "How about a date, just the three of us?" Sans said.

"Is dating normal with three people?" You asked. You've never heard that before. "YES THAT WOULD BE A GREAT IDEA" Papyrus beamed happily.
What would happen if you were going on a date with them?. Probably not much. So you excepted it. And the there of you landed in a strip club. Embarrassed you held your hands against your head. Papyrus and sans really liked this place and for them it was nothing to be here. Well you didn't even know the intention of all this. And something you also noticed was that one of sans his hand was on your thigh and of papyrus his hand was in your other thigh.

You sighed but your face got only redder when a half naked woman got you something to drink. "Thanks" you called after her. She turned around and winked. "ENJOYING YOURSELF?" papyrus asked rubbed his hand over your leg. Should you cross the line here? Who knows what they had in mind. "Uh yeah" you said. Sans smiles as he wraps his arm around your shoulder. "If we go home, we can have some real fun" he said. Okey here is the line. "Oh drat, I can't I have stuff to do. Sorry" you unclipped yourself from them and ran out the bar. "Bye" you screamed. As you hid behind a tree you held your face.

After some time you ran back to the house and not much later sans and papyrus came back to. You hid in your room, under your bed. "Y/n?" Sans said as he opens your door. "Sorry y/n is not here right now" you looked at how his feets moved towards your bed. "is that so?" Sans said suddenly laying next to you under the bad. You screamed. "Don't scare me like that" you said. He laughed. "But it's funny" he said as he wanted to hug you. Nope. You rolled yourself from under the bed and made a run towards the door. "Not so fast y/n" he sings as he used his magic to make you flew back in his arms. And suddenly on the bed. "Sans?!" You cried struggling. "Yes?" He asked as he rolls your shirt up. "What are you going to do?" You asked.

"You'll see" he kisses your stomach. And then you smacked him across the skull. "Bad" you said as you slammed yourself through the door. Only to fall right into papyrus. "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU ALREADY FELL FOR ME?" papyrus smiles. Was he serious?. The pun make you a bit laugh. But you quickly stood up. But of course papyrus wraps his arms around your back so your trapped. And guess what?   Sans jumped into you so now the three of you were in the floor. On eachother. You face glowing red again. "Guys!" You said embarrassed. You just got sandwiched between two guys.  Not that you new what that means.

Well would you look at that.
Word count 602

Undertale AU One Shots (REQUEST CLOSED) 2018/2023Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ