swapfell undyne x reader x alphys

543 12 3

Requested by WeirdsamGalacgac. I choose to do both. Enjoy.
!Warning you'll die in this!
Reader p.o.v

"COME BACK YOU MORTAL!!" f#ckkkkkk. You ran as hard you could. The scary lizard lady with her axe. You were in hotland running for your dear life. Why you?. You slowed down. A large puddle of  lava was right in front of you. And a small bridge was placed over it. You turned back. Lizard lady or lava?. Absolutely the lava. You ran over the bridge, looking over your shoulder you saw her even closer!. There suddenly was a building. A door!!. Wasting no time you ran inside and ran through the hallways. You hoped you didn't end up dead. Suddenly you saw a lift?. Clicking for the doors to open you could hear the scream for you. Tapping your foot against the floor. And after a minute the doors opened and you threw yourself inside. Pressing on the doors to close.

You exhaled deeply. You had to be careful. Even here are monsters that want your head off. When the doors opened again you entered a hall full of cameras. Hopefully there are not on. But they absolutely were because the camera followed your direction. There was your sweat already rolling down your head. You entered a room. A big one. But the you noticed the tools. There was even blood in it. Okey you need to get outta here. But the door from the room wouldn't open again. Shit.

"Well hello there idiot~" your soul left you body as you saw a fish lady step from the shadows. In a white coat covered with blood. This wasn't going to end well for you. In one hand she had a giant scissor and in the other a chainsaw. Time to find a other exit!!. She then threw he scissor at you. You dodged it luckily. Then you bummed into someone. Looking up it was that lizard woman. Now it was stuck between two madmen that you will probably kill painfully. "Wanna them with me alphys?" The lizard lady smiled. "I would not want anything else undyne" she smiled back. They stood side by side and looked at each other and then at you. They both stepped closer to you. "Come on ladies let's talk about it" your back hitting the wall. "Nope" the chainsaw hit your throat and you were dead.

Your lifeless body fell to the floor. "Nice shot undyne!" Alphys said as she handed the bloody chainsaw to her.

Wanna reset?


Noooooo why (ノಥ,_」ಥ)ノ彡┻━┻. Don't they know mercy?!.
Word count 439

Undertale AU One Shots (REQUEST CLOSED) 2018/2023Where stories live. Discover now