Worldwide Virus- infected fresh x reader part 2 fluff

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Here we go again. Also a bit blood and cursing. Enjoy.
Also you might wanna read part 1 first so you'll understand the story.
Reader p.o.v

You told sans you'll tekst him when you're in trouble or something else. Sans needed to stay home to guard home so you could bring back papyrus. You traveled through the multiverse. But you kept hidden in the shadows. You didn't needed more problems. And after some time you reached the void. Looking around. Only whiteness of course. Then you heard someone talking. "AnOther GlitCh?" His voice was deep and very glitchy. You turned around. It was error, the destroyer. But you needed ink, the creater. Everybody knew these guys.

You held your hands up. "Look I'm not here to fight. I'm searching for a virus that is possible still in my Papyrus from my universe" he frowned. You took a straight face to prove him it was true. "sO you ThINk I'm GoINg tO HelP yOu?" He said laughing. You nodded your head. "Well a direction to him would be nice" you said lowering your hands. You then clapped your hands against eachother and look your saddest look. "Come on, otherwise he'll be the destroyer and not you" when you said that he will be the destroyer he opened a portal. "yoU shouLd be thAnkfuL tHaT I KnOw EverytHiNg. Now leave" he already formed his blue string. "Thank you" you bowed towards him and then jumped through the portal.

And when you looked up. The world was, hip?. You walked around. The monsters were skating and talking funny. You asked the closest monster for any information. "Hey can you help me?" You talked on the shoulder of a monster. She turned around. "Sure gal" she said. Gal?, You laughed a bit. "Have you seen a skeleton?" You asked. She rubbed her chin. "Well yes, a male skeleton was carried towards the hospital" that was probably him. "Where's the hospital?" She pointed behind her. You ran towards it. "Thanks" you waved and she waved back in a cooler way.

You ran inside the hospital where you found papyrus on a bed. You rushed to his side. He had his eyes closed. "Papyrus!" You said grabbing him and moving him up and down in the bed. He grabbed your arms. "Chill kid! I'm fine" he said as he sat up. You hugged him. He hugged back. "I can't remember anything, did something happened?" He asked. Was he for real?. You nodded. "A virus took over you guys but he left to find a stronger body" papyrus looked like he didn't get it. "Sans is worried so you should go home" you said. He nodded. "Alright be back soon kid" he said as he teleported away.

You walked to a nurse. "Excuse me but in with universe am I?" You asked. "You're in underfresh" they said. Then they walked away. Freshtale?. That's a new one. You left the hospital. Now if you were an infection, where would you go. You rubbed your chin. Of course it can be asgore, toriel of undyne. But it seems the virus is more interested in the sans and papyrus. You live in underswap so they are swaped. So it's means he's probably after sans. Good thing you knew much about the universe and their character.

So that meant. You needed to find sans sooner then the virus. But papyrus wasn't infected anymore. Shit! He already got sans then. Then where was sans. A hand landed on your shoulder. It felt skeletal. Was it papyrus or sans?. "Heya y/n" you swallowed and turned around. It was sans indeed. And he looked absolutely fabulous. His clothes had many colors and he even had a hat and weird glasses on. "How you doing gal" he wrapped his arm around your shoulder as he walked with you away from the monsters. You pushed him away. "Cut the crap, what's your plan?" You said. He laughed. "No plan, and me and the virus have become one" he happily said. Your mouth fell open. What?. The look on your face made him continue. "Well this other papyrus came up to me and something weird crawled out of him and then got inside me. I am the virus now but also I'm still me" alright. Nothing wrong.

Okey so, the virus jumped over from papyrus to sans. And sans is like the boss but the virus is still inside him. "So you know my name but is your name sans?" You asked. He shook his head for no. "Well I'm a sans but they call me fresh" he said. Huh, this is underfresh. Okey enough bullshit. He grabbed your hand and placed his teeth on it. Kissing your hand. "You know y/n, I still want you as my right hand" he said as he pulled you closer. He pulled his glasses off. Revieling one dark due sockets and in the other was a upside down heart. You looked away. "After what you did? Ha no" you said as you pulled your hand away. But he slammed his hands against the wall besides your head. You didn't know there was a wall. He growled. "I'm not afraid of you" you said determined. He got closer to your face. He dropped the glasses to the ground. "Oh? But you should be" he lifted up his shirt. There was a weird purple glow in his chest.

You looked at it closer. Was there something moving. You screamed. A small tentacle monster crawled out of his ribs. Fresh held it down. "It loves you, we love you" fresh said kissing you. Fuck he was a good kisser. He pulled away. You froze, the small tentacle monster had his one eye focused on you. He pushed you into the ground. He got on top of you between your legs. "Get the fuck away from me" you growled. He lifted up your shirt. The little monster crawled under your shirt. "Hey!" You blushed. Then he bit your flesh where your heart should be. His sharp teeth digging into your skin. Blood rolled from the wound down your chest. Your shirt even stinging with it. Then the monster. Crawled back to fresh.

Fresh grabbed it and held his in front of his eye socket. You cringed. The small monster crawled into his eye socket. Fresh then looked at the small but deep wound. "Let me help you broski" he licked your wound. "Why did he do that?" You asked struggling to get away from him. He looked up. He placed his glasses back on.

"To mark your soul of course" you froze.

Suddenly ink, blue and papyrus teleported behind him.

Oh shitttttttt.
Word count 1124

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