-A little bit psycho- psychofell sans x badass female x psychofell papyrus 3

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About this chapter, Also last chapter of this story. Enjoy.
Reader p.o.v

You laughed with sans. That one drink turned out a bit more then one. Let's keep it with four. Or had you five. Eh, no big deal. You had fun. A knock on the door made you and sans look up. Sans wanted to open but the door was smached in. A fish lady in amor had a blue spear in her hand and looked angry at you. "Papyrus you lied!" She screamed as papyrus stood behind her.
You let your bear bottle fall to ground as she pointed it at you. "You're coming with me!" She said as she reached to grab you. "But we didn't had a date first" you laughed. You dogded her hand as you crawled over the couch hiding behind it. "It ain't fair if I'm a 'little' drunk" you said looking at her form behind the couch. "Is that true?" She asked looking at sans.

"She only had a few" sans struged. She slapped her head. "UNDYNE THIS HUMAN AIN'T BAD, GIVE HER A CHANCE" papyrus said. He's your hero for today. She growled then looked at you. "If I hear one single bad thing you did you're dead" then she left. You leaned on sans his shoulder. "She seems nice" you said. Sans laughed. "So what now?" Sans asked. You smirked. "Well I have an idea" you said.

Pulling papyrus down and sans against you. "HUGGGGG" you yelled in a tipsy tone. "NO" papyrus said pushing you away. But then you have him your puppy eyes. He turned around. And let out a deep sig. "NO I REFUSE" he said. Sans give him puppy eyes as well. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BETRAY ME BROTHER?!" papyrus yelled. "Come on paps, she's drunk. She may never hug you again~" sans said in a teasing tone. "FINE" he said giving in as he wrapped his arms around the both of you.

The hug didn't broke. Until. "You smell nice" you said. "THAT'S IT I'M GOING ON PATROL" he said leaving you and sans. You both not seeing the smile on his face.

A happily ever after. Sorry but we all know how this ends. These three chapters were fun to make.
Word count 382

Undertale AU One Shots (REQUEST CLOSED) 2018/2023Where stories live. Discover now