A Bad Dream?, Oh Darling It's Just The Beginning. nightmare sans x reader 4

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Requested by Annabelleee3 and AmyliaKDinh annypetgirl254c3. Hope you enjoy.
Part four already people. Finally the kiss.
Reader p.o.v

You didn't even struggle. What use would it be?. And he probably had those minions walking and sneaking around. "Well what a gentleman are you truly" you said. He took a step back by realising you with his tentacles. "Deep breath" he said inhaling and backing away. You stayed on the ground. Sitting a but up to rub the spots he had touched you. But you stood up not after. Nightmare holding his face. Self-control. Was he fighting with himself?. You hugged him. "You alright?" You asked. He tried to pull away. "Fine" he said. You didn't believe him. You pulled away as you held his hands in yours. His expression  got soft. "I like you. I mean when we first met my heart was exploding. But you and I are very different people. But I wanna give it a shot if you promise me to be good" you said.

He looked away. "You really like me how I am?" He asked. Did he meant because of how he looked?. "Who the hell cares about your appearance? it is about inner look" you said. He smiled shortly. He hugged you. You wrapped your arms around his back. "So?" You asked. "Uhh so what?" He asked. Not understanding. "So no more taking over towns and killing people" you said pulling away and swinging your finger to the left and right. "Oke oke I won't" he said. You liked this. Then this was a new beginning for him. What happened in the past is no more.

You took a deep breath. Letting your thoughts slide away. "Hey, wanna try that kiss again?" You asked. A blue blush appeared across his face. He nodded. Leaning in. You did the same. He kisses you. The kiss was very pleasant. The kiss seemed forever. It felt good so time didn't matter. You pulled away smiling. "Does that mean I'm your girlfriend" you asked. "Or queen" he said smirking. Now you and the blush. Marriage, wasn't a bad thing. But for now you wanted to stick with a relationship.

Days have been flying through time. You and nightmare had a lot of fun together. He showed you cool tricks with his magic. And the bad guy act was gone. He also gave you freedom. You could go outside your own or go back to your house. This was a healthy good relationship. Your feelings for him began to grow more with the week. At first you felt nice being by him and then liking him. But now. When he told you about being his wife. That felt just like what was going to happen. He asked you to marry him. At first you held a 'no' face to him. But then dropped it by yelling yes and hugging him and kissing him.

Even bad guys or ex bad guys can have a good ending. His promise became true as well. He gave money to the broken towns he had dominated. And building back the buildings. Sometimes the bad one needs something to show them the be good. And in this case he needed someone that loved him.

This was the last part. I finished it. And I'm so proud.
Word count 556

Undertale AU One Shots (REQUEST CLOSED) 2018/2023Where stories live. Discover now