buttontale -the other side- us papyrus x reader x us sans 3

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Requested by azure-chan123. Enjoy.
Read part 1 and 2 so you can understand the storyline.
And I based it on Coralline, but I don't do every step in the story.
Reader p.o.v

You woke up. Only to see your boring old room again. Huh? How?. That wasn't fair. You wanted to stay there. "Sad" you said as you threw the blanket off you and walked towards the door. A nice morning shower should do the trick. You quickly took a cold shower and walked downstairs.
"Hey sans" you greeted as he was sitting at the table in the kitchen. Working behind his laptop. "HI" he shortly greeted. You sat down next to him. "Where's Papyrus" you asked. "WORK" he said not even eyeing you. "Hmm" you said as you leaned on your hand. Your stomach rumbled. Time for some food. You stood back up and walked to the fridge. When you opened it there was nothing. Expect some cheese and some milk that was just over it's date. Nice. Absolutely nice.

You got to the room where the little door was. And opened it. It was..... Covered with bricks. Huh?. Was it a dream then?. No it was to realistic for that. You closed the door. "Please, please" you said closing your eyes. You opened the door again. The hole was back. "Yes" you said. You turned your head. No one. Alright. You crawled through. You dusted off your clothes. "Hey" you greeted as you saw papyrus. "Hey y/n. I'm happy you're back again" he said smiling. "Where's sans" you asked. "In the garden" he said.
"Since when does sans work in the garden?" You asked to your suprise. "Oh he always did" papyrus said.

"Really?" You askesd. These sans and papyrus were not your sans and papyrus. These guys were different.  "Papyrus do you like cooking?" You asked. Since papyrus was already cooking. "Ya I love it" he said. Hmmm. Okey. "I'm going to explore around" you said not even wanting to ask his permission. "Alright be save" he said as you left. You grabb your rain coat and closed the door behind you. It wasn't raining but still you liked to wear that coat. When you walked, the view was weirder then normal. Like the world the didn't spin as it should do. And after some minutes you returned to the house. "Wait what?" You asked looked back. It was like you walked around the world. Hmmmmm.

(Villager from Minecraft)

You got back inside. Dropping your raincoat on the floor together with your shoes. "Food is ready" papyrus asked. Well at least papyrus could cook. Not that is was poisoned or disgusting. You sat at the table. "Sans not joining?" You asked. "No he's at work" he said sitting down next to you.  Was he really working or was he-. "So had fun exploring?" Papyrus asked. "I guess so" you said poking into your food in front of you. There was something bugging you. That these wern't your sans and papyrus. These guys were just some fake copies of them. "What's wrong?" Papyrus asked. You leaned back into your seat. "This doesn't feel right. Like everything is perfect and you guys are 'perfect'. But I miss my sans and papyrus" you said.
And with that papyrus almost choked on his food. "Why?" He asked. His tone already a bit stricter. "I'm not hungry anymore" you said as you walked to the door from the kitchen. "You should be thankful to me. You stay here" he said standing up. Alright no. That's creepy.

You left the kitchen and ran to the living room. You opened the little door and crawled trough it. "You wil regret your decision" papyrus called after you. Whatever. You closed the little door and locked it. You leaned against the door. Then you got up and walked around the house. "Sans?" You asked. "Papyrus?" You asked. There was no clue to where they had left. The doors were locked and the keys were locked form the inside. So that meant they didn't had left the house. "Sans? Papyrus?" You called again. Running up the stairs. But after checking every room. They weren't there. Suddenly your head shot up. "That ugly fake papyrus!" You said screaming. When he said you'll regret your decision he meant this. You growled. You grabbed some stuff from around the house that shou protect you. You unlocked the door. And placed the key in your front pocket. You opened the door.

Operation get your sans and papyrus back

Poor y/n
Word count 766

Undertale AU One Shots (REQUEST CLOSED) 2018/2023Where stories live. Discover now