fallacy x male demon skeleton x enrce

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Requested by Angelnickyb. Hope you enjoy.
Reader p.o.v

You walked through the dark forest. Your looked at your broken arm with your red pupils. And before you asked how you broek your arm. Well simple, humans. Always those humans. Even though your demon powers were healing you it wasn't fast enough. And you've been walking for ages. But luckily there was a giant castle in front of you. With your good arm you knocked on the door. You looked around as you waited. A skeleton with rainbow eyes opened the door. "Oh my" he said looking at your poor figure. "As a fellow demon I'm telling you. Someone who isn't a demon isn't good news" a demon said whispering through your skull. "Enough!" You growled in your head. "Come inside and let me help that arm of yours" he said opening the door more for you to step through. You noticed that you were much bigger them him. Or he was just short. He led you to sitting room where he sat you down. "Nice place" you said. "Yes" he said as he kneeled down next to your arm. You held your arm close to you. "I won't hurt you" he said.

You looked at him. You sensed no harm. You held your arm out. "Ouch. That's definitely broken" he said looking at the damage. "I'll be right back. I need bandage" he said. Not much later he came back. Holding a bottle. "What's that" you asked. "This is a special cream for healing" he said. "It might sting" he said kneeling back next to you. "I don't care" you laughed. And with that he rubbed it around your arm. You slammed your hand down. "Said so" he said as he wrapped it around in bandage. "Thanks" you said. Changing your tone. He seems nice. "What was that?" Another skeleton said standing in the room. You got up. Wait a damm minute. You knew that skeleton wearing a cape. "Fallacy!" You said. "Y/n?" He asked. The two of you had a short hug. Holding your bad arm away from him. "What happened" he said looking at your arm. "Humans" you said.

"Those motherfuc-" you began but the other skeleton placed his hand in your mouth. "No cursing" he said. "My bad" you said. You've always cursed so now you couldn't stop. "You know him?" The skeleton said looking at fallacy. "Yes we've been friends when I was hunted down. We met then" fallacy said. "Ah, well then. My name is enrce" enrce said holding his hand out. Demon's down shake hands. But you could do it this once. You shook his hand. "Thanks for wrapping me up. But I gotta go" you said. "So soon?" Fallacy asked. "At least stay till tomorrow" he said offering. You looked at enrce. He was smiling. Happy to meet a friend from his friend. "Alright, sure" you said. "Good, I'll prepare food then" enrce said. "Follow me" fallacy said. You wern't a person who would ask why. You followed him into a dressing room. "Here are some new clothes" he said holding some new ones.

You looked down. Your clothes were a bit ripped here and there. Not even turning around you pulled off your shirt and pulled in the fresh one. Fallacy walked away. You did the same for your pants. Quickly stripping down and pulling a new one on. You entered a room where food was on the table. Well there were maids and chef's working here. Fallacy was already eating. Only enrce was waiting for you. You sat down. "I hope you like the food. I normally do art but I can be creative with food to" he said as he starts to eat. You took a bite for your food. "It's good" you said swallowing it and taking another bite. "If you want to you can stay here" fallacy said. "You mean live here?" You asked eyeing him as you ate. "I'm just staying. You're always on you're own. If you're here you have everything" he said. Well that was true. "If my fellow demons let me to I'm willing to stay" you said.

Tada, we could make a chapter two with some smut?
Word count 709

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