Shark underfell Papyrus x Gender Neutral reader FLUFF

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Ohhh I wanted to write this for some days... XD. Hope you enjoy.
Fluff. And well, edgy is edge. XD
Reader p.o.v

Oh no. The crew had brought back a beast. An wild animal who could devour a human whole. It was a monster. Strong as ten whole men. Two men tall. But you only got a small glimpse of the beast when they dropped it in the underwater tank. You were just a employer to earn some money here. It was by a fishing business. With a fisher's boat they would sail over the sea. You wished you've been there. Two men dead in the battle of catching him. You've heard the rough men talk about it while you cleaned around. "The boat was moving back and forth by it's power!" One man had screamed at the table. "He almost bit off my whole left arm!" An older men yelled angry. You only learned to stay far far away from him. A shark was a shark. Someone you could not trust.


"WHAT?" you scrieked at the young men who ruled the company. "No way I'm doing that!" You said pissed off. Arms crossed. "Well to bad. The others caught him. So you have to feed him" the boss said poking your shoulder once. You held your position. Haha no way you were going to do that. "Or I have to fire you" he said. "Your choice" he said holding a bucket up with fish in it. It was doing that or losing your job?. Tsk.

You entered the room where the tank was. The door closing heavily shut behind you. Only with your password you could get out again. But this job was saving you from being homeless. So you just had to bite through all this. At the other side of the room was a giant door. At the other side was the ocean. You swallowed. It was a cold old room. Not much furniture. Only a big metal circle in the middle. With a switch the metal would move towards th edges. Creating a opening above the tank. The tank was build underneath the strong platform. How would he look? You were curious. But not curious to lose a limb.

The tank was big enough for five shark to swim freely. The water came from the ocean so he couldn't die from it. This shark was probably going to the market. For sale. Better him then you. You took a deep breath. You had to act smart and fast. Because he could to. You stood next to the door. The switch was just an inch away from it. He couldn't jump out but just to be save. You flicked it the other way. Your eyes focused on the middle. Then paused the process. Held both hand on the bucket and then trew the fish right into his tank. Then placed the bucket on the ground. Then again. You did feel a bit bad for the shark. Being imprisoned wasn't fair.

So maybe... You quickly opened the door and got more fish. It was your task to feed him. So you were going to make sure he was being well fed. As you got a few more fish you returned. Entering the room again. "Look what I got for ya! More fish" you said. But then you stopped in your tracks. There was a water trail trough the room. WHAT!. You dropped the bucket to kneel next to the opening of the tank. There was nothing swinging in the water. Nothing?. Nothing!. "My boss is going to kill me" you said in panic. Holding your hair tightly.

"Or I can" a deep dark voice said. It make your body have a completely shut down. There was a really big shadow around you. You swallowed almost painfully. Then got to your shaking legs. Not brave enough to turn around. Your eye met an axe on the wall. In every room was one. In case fire you could break down a door. Just as you took one step towards it. Your body got pulled into a hard long chest. A sharp skeletal finger underneath your chin. "Oh no you don't. Where's the exit and you may have a chance of surviving" the male voice growled into your ear. You opened your mouth to say something. But no words left you. And it probably took him to long because he spinned you around. His two giant hands on your tiny shoulders.

Oh man. You weren't going to leave this room alive. He was so damm tall. No wonder how he could shake that boat around. And jump out the tank. Which was already a task. Clearly not for him. You looked down. His lower body was like a shark. And his upper body from a skeleton. Thick bones with some cracks around them. A real fighter. Honestly he looked cool. He could probably kill with his glares. Just like the ones he was given you!. Right speak idiot!. "O-over there" you pointed behind you. "Pff" and with that he dropped you. He crawled towards the giant exit. The only thing between him and freedom that big heavy door. For a second it looked like the tip of his fingers expanded. Then he charged at the door. Trying to slash it in two.

You knew it wasn't going to work. But you were impressed. The damage he was doing was beyond human strength. But since he was busy. You slowly took your steps towards your escape. Only needing to push in the numbers. "And where do you think you're going?" The demanding voice said. Shit!. Sweat drops rolling down your face. "Nowhere sir!" You said. Almost without thinking about that. He raised a brow. Then slithered back over the ground. You had to say. It looked a but funny. But you could guess, laughing was going to kill you. So you remained as silent as you could. Barely breathing. Then his eyes scrolled down the fish scattered across the ground. He was a smart intelligence being. Make you regret you talking like he couldn't understand. "Look what I got for ya! More fish". Almost painfully to hear that again.

So you were smart. You got to your knees. Bowing all the way down. Face against the ground. "Please don't kill me!" You begged. If there was one thing you learned it was that men liked to hear you beg. His was a better option then actually trying to enter your password to get away. He would have definitely slashed forward to break your bones. "Hmm what's that?" He asked. Standing in front of you. Oh he was just evil!. "I said please d-" you got interrupted. "Look up when you're talking. It's rude" he said. You did as he asked. "Don't kill me sir" you said again. A bit flushterd. But your life was above everything. Including humiliation. "Better" he muttered.

You got roughly picked up. His hand wrapping easily around you're whole arm. "You are going to lead me all the way to a exit were I can break through. Try to escape and I will break your neck" he said. You nodded like you've never nodded before.

You entered your password and the door opened. Revieling halls. "Tell me your name pet" he said. Pet?. You. This guy had some ideas. You wern't s fan of. "Y/n" you said. You had to be honest. Just in case someone would tell your name.

Not a second later a guard bumped into the two of you.

My apologies for the absence. But hey this was a real gift from me to you! XD.
Word count 1282

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