-hunting you down- wolf sans x female hunter (special chapter)

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This is just something that has plopped into my mind. Enjoy
There's a bit fluff in here people
Reader p.o.v

It all happened a long time ago. when you were just a little girl. Your father and mother were divorced and then you were only 6. And there was a bigger problem than divorcing parents, who would take the child under there protection. There was an whole fight about who would take the best care of you. Your dad give up after he heard that his job was promoted, but he needed to leave the country for the job. And so your dad left you. After some time you where 7 and the memories of your dad slowly began to fade away. Your mother was taking good care of you but sometimes she was so busy with other things she forgot to look an eye on you. And your mother always said; "never go near the woods" she told you there where hungry beasts waiting for an child like you to walk close enough at the edge.

Everyone understood it when there where humans missing with footprint to the woods. Some people say you are being led to the forest and never been seen again. But as I said before your mother couldn't always keep an eye on you. Your mother cried hours when you where gone.

Your p.o.v

The toys where boring, mommy was making food for tonight with the music playing on the background. Mommy never really allows me to go outside without her or an adult. My legs began to stand up to the window. And our house is literally at the edge of the woods. Something began to move my an tree a little out of my sign. And with a second I was by the door. I wanted to I needed to see what is was. Maybe it was an cute animal that was just looking around. As I looked once back to mommy is say she still was busy, this was my chance!. I opened the door and walked through.

Finally I was outside by myself. But my thoughts stopped when the shadow was back. This time I was closer. "Kitty?" I asked as I thought it was some sort of cat. And first I saw the tip of his head. Walking closer to it till I was almost touching it. Before I could react it pulled me further the woods in. "Mommy" I screamed hoping she would hear me. And before I could ask myself again he threw me on the ground. Looking back, nothing. Looking for me, nothing. It seemed that the animal has disappeared. I couldn't even said it twice and I was pulled hardly on the cold ground facing the sand. An loud growl was heard on my back. And then I noticed the claws on my back, almost breaking trough my clothes. I lifted the half of my face so I could see what it was. And then everything in my body froze, it was an giant wolf. Looking quite hungry to hunt down a child. I couldn't even move or take a slow breath. Mommy always told me there were predators to hunt little children.

Reader p.o.v

Sans did feel a bit bad for luring small children to him. But it was his nature for eating anything with meat. And sure he could every animal in the deeper woods of the forest but most of times there when grown up men hunting with many weapons so child's it is. He failed many times luring humans to him but this time he actually done it. It wan an young kid around the 7 years and it was female. For him it didn't really mattered what gender his food had he always had problems with little girls. Some child remembered him of frisk, an human that had came also in the woods who was banned from there. Nobody knew if it was an boy or girl but it was innocent, just like when he first saw you. Sans can read your soul like nobody can.

He saw an good and pure heart. No reason for killing. And when he and trap you understand his weight and saw your face, he just couldn't. He never had spared anyone before why now. Your face was pressed into the cold and dirty ground making her dirtier. He began to growl, she wasn't moving or breathing. Was she already death?, Nah because she give a little kick after he began to sniff her hair. She began to struggle when she snapped out her trance.

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