vampire verse paper jam x reader

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No request but I saw the picture and I had ideas 😂😏. Enjoy
And yes this contains blood sucking.
Bleh, bleh, bleh.
Paper jam p.o.v

He knew you were in the library. How should he ask you?. 'I need blood to survive, can I suck yours'. Yeah no. But  he craved it so badly. He opened the doors. You looked up. He froze, you were far to cute!. "Is it the time?" You asked. What?!. No way you could know about it. "You need blood right?" You stood up grabbing his hands. Would you except it?. That he needed blood?. He looked down your neck. You began to laugh. "Go hunt a animal then" he broke down. He wants allowed to sucks yours. But he needed it. He laughed nervously with you. "I thought- maybe I can- would you mind if I suck your- blood" just please say yes. You stopped, you rubbed your neck. "Geez paper jam, I don't know. Ain't it dangerous for you to suck my blood. Because you know I don't want to end up dead in the floor" he grabbed your hands. "Please I'll be gentle, I need it so badly. I need you so badly" you blushed at his answer.

You sighed. You tugged down your shirt to showing now your neck and shoulder. "Be careful" you said. Of course he would be gentle. He leaned himself down to your exposed skin. He licked where he was going to bite. Oh boi he was going to enjoy this so much. He bit down. You didn't react. He began to suck. Your blood streaming right in his mouth. He held your shoulders softly. Fuck it tastes so good. He sucked a few times then you petting his back. That was a sigh for stop. He pulled away. Licking the wound so it wouldn't bleed anymore. "You feeling better?" You asked. He nodded. But he still wanted more. It was like a drug. "Great I'll go take a shower and then we'll have dinner alright?" You walked away. Leaving him in the library.

Reader p.o.v

You stepped in the warm bath. Rubbing the spot where he bit you. That was so scarry. It was painful but also a bit turn on?. You sighed deeply. Relaxing for a moment. Also funny thing. Fallacy, the father of paper jam, kidnapped you some time ago. And you still remember how he said. "You belong to my son now" you remembered how funny that all was. And how paper jam was so shy in the beginning. But in the time you felt like a family with them. You stepped out the bathtub and wrapped a towel around you. You looked in the mirror. But then you screamed. Paper jam was standing behind you. He held his hands up. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you"

"Well you did" You held your heart. But you laughed. The two of you didn't move. "Why you're here?" Holding your towel firmly against your body. "Oh yeah right sorry, dinner is ready" you nodded and he closed the door behind him. You started drying yourself off and putting on clean clothes. You walked to the dinner room seeing fallacy and paper jam. And there already eating. "Thx for waiting" you sat down. And greeted fallacy. The shirt didn't covered enough of your neck and the bite spot was visible. And you didn't noticed but you did noticed fallacy. "Something on my fac-" he interrupted you.

"So you finally claimed her my son?" What was he talking about. Oh right. You pulled your shirt over your head. Paper jam blushing to. Fallacy began to pet paper jam's head. Well you also hoped nobody will ever suck your blood again. You are your food and then ran back to your room and of course a knocking sound. "Yeah?" You asked standing up and leaning against the door. "I'm sorry for father" paper jam said. You opened your door so he could walk in. He then hugged you and left again. Before screaming. "Good night!" And he's gone.

*Next day*

You woke up, feeling still a bit tired. But it was time to wake up. You wandered downstairs. Seeing nobody. Probably still sleeping. You made yourself some breakfast. Suddenly two arms wrapped themselves around your middle. You screamed. You turned around. "Stop doing that!" Paper jam laughed. Then you took a bite from your bread. "Want some to" as you turned back ready to make more bread. "Not thanks but maybe I can have more-" you interrupted him. "I rather if you don't" you helped him. Not anymore. "Buy y/n-" you stopped by leaving the room. Before you said. "A no is a no" you ate the rest of your food. And paper jam followed you everywhere.

"Please stop" you said smacking your hand against your face. He smiled. "Only if I may suck yo-" you grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back and forth. "No" you said in a serious tone. His smile faded. "You don't tell me what to do" he grabbed your shoulders. Were the two of you going to fight?. Probably. Don't ask me how but you tripped and fell backwards with his in too of you. He leaned down to your face and kissed you. This was the first time the two of you kissed. The moment wasn't ruined if he didn't pulled away. He pulled your shirt back down. Tha hell. You said no so it stays no!. "Paper jam, stop it I said no" he grabbed both your wrists with one hand.

"Don't make me Y/n"

Well you are fucked up
Word count 947

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