error sans x blind neko reader 2

688 21 2

Requested by Anxietys-gone. Enjoy.
Reader p.o.v

You and error got close. He was actually pretty cool. He even took you for a walk to a different universe. Even if you couldn't see you enjoyed it. Your tail wagging a bit from behind you. You could hear his giggle. And his glitched giggle made you giggle. "HeY y/N?" He asked. You nodded. "What's up?" You said. "HoW caN yOU waLk withOuT faLliNg?" He said. You laughed. "Simple, I actually don't know" you could already imagine his face as you said that.

"Don't worry nothing happened back then so it won't happen now" you said
confident. "sO You Won'T trIP?" He said. You shook your head. "No unless you trip me with your foot" you said laughing. "Hey error?" You asked. He nodded but then he forgot you couldn't see. "YeAh?" He said. "Do you think I'm cute?" You asked. You could hear him choke in the air. Could he breathe then?. "WhY yOu WAnna KnoW?" he asked.

"Some people say neko's are cute" you said. "Like when I'm doing this pose" you took a pose that made his froze. He was silent. "Uh error?" You asked. You could hear a thud. Now you got nervous. "Error?!" You asked kneeling down. "I'm heRE" he said. That was a relief. You tapped his lower arm. Then to his cheek. Where you softly smacked him. "Don't do that!" You said. But a smile cracked from your mouth. "tHey WerE RiGht, It'S AbsOlutElY CuTE" he said. Gripping his shirt where his soul was. "Want me to do it again?" You teased. "Do ThaT anD I'lL dIe" he said.

You laughed. "Good to know I can beat you in a fight now" you held your hand out. And he took it after some seconds. Error really wasn't such a bad guy. In th beginning you were a bit scared of what was going to happen. "YeAh RiGht BUt I caN See" he said smirking. You pounted. "We'll see" you said flicking your hair away from your face. Suddenly you heard a bird. "Did we just walked through a portal?" You said. "MayBe" he teased. He grabbed both your hands. Then he guided you down. "We're On A hiLl Not Far FRom YouR uniVerse" he said as he sat down as well. "Is the sight beautiful?' you asked. He smiled. "YeS" he said looking from the view towards you.

You reached forward and felt his shoulder. Then you leaned your head on it. "Thank you for being nice to me"
He pats your head and ears. "OnLy this Once" he said as you laughed.
"Whatever you say dude" you said closing your eyes and enjoying the moment. He enjoyed the moment to.

Well short but powerful. No chapter three probably.
Word count 469

Undertale AU One Shots (REQUEST CLOSED) 2018/2023Where stories live. Discover now