Undertale sans and papyrus x robot/human reader

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Alright so you are part robot. Ain't that cool? Well sometimes. You miss being fully human.
Hope you enjoy
Your p.o.v

I sat up. My systems resetting for the new day. The memories of yesterday burned into my harddrive. The charging cable popped out my back. Standing up to stretch. A good 100% again. I need a recharge around the three days. Depending on how hard I worked through the day.

It was garden day. Meaning that weed has to be thrown into the trashcan. I walked to my closet. Searching the outfit I will be wearing today. It was going to be a dirty-allowed-pants and a black tank top. My arms showing clearly. (See picture above).

And with that I moved downstairs. Getting greeted by my cat. He purred at my leg. He probably was hungry. Giving him something to eat. And since I didn't needed to eat, I unlocked my front door. Grabbing a hat that will cover my eyes for the shining sun. I had the garden in front of my house. At the back were only floor tiles with a terrace. I moved my eyes around. Meeting some humans and monsters walking. Because it was such a beautiful day of course. Thirty-one degrees with a wind blowing peacefully. At the left side of my house was a house for sale. It had been standing for sale four years. Four years, two months and sixty eight days to be exact. My memory files never abonded me luckily. I sat down. Began to remove the weed first. But I got distracted once I heard a truck pulling over. Moving van I scanned on the side. Did that meant someone was moving in next door?. Finally.

I got up and dusted myself off. A older men who probably owned the house ripped out the sign "for sale". And took it with him. I could see the men shaking his hand with the new owner. Oh boi, oh boi. Who was it? And he shook his hand again. Two owners? Maybe a married couple. The old men left after waving. Then behind the truck two skeletons made their way to the house. I looked them up and down. Once I left the gate they spotted me

"Welcome to the neighborhood" I said smiling.

"THANK YOU HUMAN, THAT'S VERY KIND OF YOU" the tallest spoke. And geez he was loud. I turned my audio hearings a bit lower. I didn't wanted to crash by his loud voice. No offense. The tall skeleton held his red gloved hand out. I took it. And then my eyes met the smaller skeleton ones. For sure he was the eldest. And brothers. It was most logical for them to be brother. My hands shook with him as well. "Good to meet you kid" he spoke. "The pleasure is mine" I said. I could see his eyes scrolling over my arms. "You guys probably have a lot packed, I can help?" I asked. Offering your help.

It couldn't hurt knowing my neighbors. If I ever needed help they could help me in return. Always come in handy. "OH HOW NICE OF YOU" he said. But then a dramatic gasp left his mouth. "I HAVEN'T INTRODUCED MYSELF. I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS" he said. "AND THIS IS MY BROTHER SANS, SANS SAY HI" papyrus said. "Hi" sans said. I laughed a bit. These guys had humour.

"My name is y/n, y/n l/n" I said with hands on my hips. Standing proudly. Papyrus had stars in his eyes. "I see you have a garden. Looks good" sans comments. Oh. I blushed. "Oh this? It's nothing special" I said waving it off. Even though I worked on this every once a week. "Oh why don't you come in for some thea?" I asked. "You guys are probably thirsty from the trip" I said as I pointed for them to come with me. Yes I am a nice person. Or cyborg. "HOW KIND" papyrus said. "Really? I don't want to be a trouble" sans said.
"No of course not, I insist!" I said as they followed me inside.

Sans and papyrus sat on the couch after looking through the living room. I put on some warm water and a plate full of cookies.

Once it was done I placed their tea in front of them together with the plate. "Don't you allow yourself something to drink after gardening?" Sans said. Ouch. Didn't he even know I was not human. Or did he thought I only had robots arms. Well that could be the right thought. Because yes I could have had a accident and I lost my arms. But not in this case. "Well No, I'm what you would call a cyborg" I said. It left the both of them in silent. "Nothing bad happened though, don't worry I was build this way. A cross of two mix" I said looking at papyrus who was crying at it. I handed him a napkin to wipe his face clean. "Have a cookie dear" I said holding the plate towards him. He grabbed a cookie and shoved it down. "I hope the tea is good sans? Or did I put to much sugar in it" I asked. Sans shook his head. As he took a sip. "No it's good, thanks" sans said.

I smiled in return. I just made to friends! How delightful.

I realized how long I did a your p.o.v xD.
Word count 921

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