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William's room was cold and there was nothing to play with,  so Liam quickly lost curiosity. "Mommy, let's go..." The little gut walked in front of her with a cute expression on his face. He looked arrogant as if he was about to do something important.

Bella holds the information in her hand, lest William suddenly comes back. She desired to leave right now. "How about going to Mommy's room?" Liam immediately agreed and opened his hands to ask Bella to hug him.

Carrying Liam to her room, Bella put him on the bed first, then quickly put the information in her bag. "Mommy?" The little guy was puzzled when he saw that Bella was panicking. Bella explained immediately. 

"Mommy just opened my bag to see if I had any toys for you." Hearing the toy. Liam's eyes widened as she looked at Bella. Bella was ashamed. She just blurted out to explain what she had just done. 

"Emm, Mommy forgot to bring it today but bring it to you tomorrow, okay?" Looking at Liam's upset gaze. Bella was a little guilty. She thought that she would definitely buy a toy for Liam tomorrow.


Liam was very sensible. Although he was still a little lost, he did not make a fuss. He was tired after playing for a long time and yawned, then looked at Bella and said. "Sleep, Sleep!"

Bella realized that he was sleepy, so she picked him up and wanted him to go back to his nursery to sleep. But Liam was unwilling, his little finger pointing the bed in Bella's room. At the same time, he kept shouting to sleep.

Bella understood that this child wanted to sleep here. Without hesitation, she took off his shoes and covered him with a quilt to let him sleep. Mommy, Mommy..." Liam's small body removed inside, but he pointed to the position beside him. She looked at Bella with big eyes with longing.

"Liam wants to let Mom sleep with you?" She did not expect that Liam made such a request. Bella was a little surprised. Although they were close, he had never asked for it before. "Mommy, Mommy, sleep..."

When the little guy saw that Bella had no intentions, he continued to speak anxiously. Bella had fooled him once and did not want to let him down anymore, so she lay on the bed. The little guy closed his eyes and fell into the arms of Bella. He fell asleep after a while.

The little guy slept for a long time before waking up in the afternoon. William came back. When she heard the news, Bella was guilty. Then she looked at the location of the bag, lest he realizes that she had taken things.

Dong, dong, dong...

Liam had just woken up. Hearing a knock, he became joyful. "Dad..." Bella's heart tightened. Because of her guilt, her actions were panicked. She got out of bed and opened the door. But she didn't dare see Liam directly.

"Then... are you back? I'm putting clothes on Liam." Bella said, then she turned around and walked towards Liam, staggering her confrontation with William. "Dad..." Liam shouted when he saw that William was back. 

"Mmm!" William came up and panicked the little guy off the bed. "Come on, dad will dress you up!" Liam refused him. He took the dress from William and handed it to Bella. Looking at Liam's persistence, Bella had to go over and dress him.

Feeling the gaze projected by Liam, Bella felt that her heart was about to jump out. She had always been afraid of being discovered after she had done something wrong. 

Bella only hoped that he would not find out now. At least, she could successfully, divorce Tony. Because of something in her heart, even her movements started to panic. When she dressed Liam, she didn't even notice that his clothes were reversed. 

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