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As she looked at Bella, she ridiculed, "Bella, I'm treating you as a good sister, but you're stealing my man from my back. You're really good." Toni's words were stingy and stabbed into Bella's heart. "Toni, it is not like that, I ..." Bella wanted to explain but was interrupted coldly by Toni.

Toni asked, "Bella, dare to do what you want, you should dare to bear. I know what you must feel now. Do you think you're very successful to be with my fiance?" The moment she thought of Bella's willingness as a springboard and secure William, she felt sick.

How could a woman like her worthy of William? Toni's questioning made Bella not know how to answer. All of what happened to her and William was not what she expected. She did not expect it to happen like this.

She had an intention to explain, but when she saw her expression, she knew that Toni would not listen to anything she said. William gave Liam to Bella. He stood in front of her and looked at Toni, "Miss Toni, I think what I said to you last time is very clear. There's never been a marriage contract, so I'm not your fiance. It's my freedom to be with anyone."

As William spoke, the coldness in his eyes made Toni's heartbeat. Not her fiance? Even though William had already made it clear to her, she still retained a hint of hope that one day he would find her good. Then when she saw the scene where William and Bella were together, she only felt that she was ridiculous.

"You don't want me, William? Do you want to be with Bella?" Toni looked at William with red eyes and asked. She accepted that William rejected her, but she could not accept that he and Bella were together and Bella would not be worthy of him.

Toni looked at William with a burning gaze. She wanted an answer. After Bella listened to the question of Toni, her face was a little stiff. How would he answer Toni? William looked at Bella and said with certainty, "yes, I want to be with Bella. It has always been the same. it has never changed."

Always? Never changed? Bella turned around in shock and look at William. What did he mean? Toni widened her eyes in disbelief. She said. "William, are you blind? You don't want me, but you want Bella. She was a deserted wife who given birth to a child and deserted by Toni. She didn't have any background, even her looks isn't the best. I'm a daughter of the Bates anyway. I think I'm not worse than Bella. you want her not me?"

Toni simply could not accept such a reality. As a daughter of the Bate's, she was always sought after by young people and had never been hit much. Even if William did not love her, why did he choose someone who was not as good as her? Bella heard that Toni speaking of her like this. She was really sad. She really thought of Toni as a friend, but she did not expect that she saw her like this.

Her face was covered with gloom, and she felt a little uncomfortable in the heart. But she had to say that Toni was right, she really couldn't deserve William. Seeing the sudden change on Bella's face, William said coldly, "Miss Bates, my choice is my freedom, I don't need you to judge." No matter who she was, he wouldn't allow people to hurt Bella.

"I..." Toni didn't think that William would have accused her so directly. Her heart ached. "Liam's still sick and unfit to be disturbed," William continued, mercilessly. Toni looked at Liam blankly and realized that the child was hostile to her and her heart trembled. 

She heard that Liam was ill and wanted to come over to visit Liam, so she could use this to get in touch with William and regain the marriage that was supposed to belong to her. However, at this moment, William had let her go out coldly,  and she could even hear that anger he was trying to suppress.

It's all because of Bella he swore at her because of Bella! There were more tears accumulating in her eyes. She did not want to stay here any longer. William just protected Bella. With red eyes, she turned and left. All she had originally imagined was gone, and all that remained in her mind was the way Bella was together with William.

She really could not be reconciled. She had always thought that William would not feel anything about a woman like Bella, so even if Bella lived in William's house, she still had no doubts. but who could have thought that Bella would eventually steal her man? She was so stupid. She was still unaware that everything she expected had been ruined by her.

"Bella, I hate you. This is not going to go away..." Toni was filled with tears, and she quickly walked to the parking lot to her car. She drove the car as fast as she could. She was angry. Williams spoils in his eyes towards Bella turned into a thorn in Toni's heart. This was she looking always dreamed about, and she had never gotten before, but Bella had received.

On what basis? Bella was just a woman that no one else wanted. Why did she get the love of William? As the car drove faster and faster, the jealousy in her heart grew. At this moment, her phone rang. Toni came back to normal. When she looked at the word Aunt Victoria on the screen, she could not help think of a plan.

"Hello... Aunty Victoria..." She slowed down and said with a choked voice. She did not know about Liam's illness. This was William's mother who told her and wanted her to cultivate the relationship with William.

Even though she and William had already explained clearly that he did not like her, the thoughts of William's mother wanting her to be her daughter in law did not change. They kept contact with each other.

"Toni, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?" William's mother originally wanted to ask how Toni got along with William, but she didn't expect her to cry. Hearing William's mother's inquiries, she cried even harder, "Aunty Victoria, I went to Liam's ward and found that William was with another woman." 

Toni directly said to Bella to be another woman. Even since she found out that she was with William she would only regard her as an enemy and no longer have half a friend. 'Other woman?" William's mother was a little surprised.

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