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Now, the ship had already set sail, William would not have thought that Bella was on a smuggler ship. Even if she had searched the New Orleans, he would never find that woman again. When she thought about this, Victoria was relieved. After receiving the tea from the servant, she sent it to her mouth to take a sigh of relief. 

Bella's death was a breeze for her and there was no feeling of guilt at all. Who would let Bella want to hook her son up? That was the end she deserved. "Sandra, take out the tea set. I want to make tea." William could not find Bella. He would definitely give up looking for it. She would use tea to pass the time and watch her son finally give up. 

William was rummaging through the entire New Orleans without finding the whereabouts of Bella. She seemed to have vanished out of thin air. "Report to William there's no whereabouts of Miss Bella!" The words he heard the most were his words. Every time he heard this, he felt sullen.

How could she not find her? New Orleans was such a big city, which had been hunted all over by him. Even though he hadn't found her. It made William got close to the edge of madness. "Look for me be sure to find her!" His scarlet eyes slammed his fist into the wall. But he seemed to be afraid of the pain and hit him with a fierce punch. 

"Chief" The security guard on the side saw this, and he was anxious. He knew the best of William's feelings for Bella. If something happened to Bella, William would be crazy. Where did Miss Bella go? Why couldn't she find it? But even the entire army had not been found. Miss Bella was probably eviler and eviler, but he did not dare to say such things.

"William, we looked along with the surveillance and found that Miss Bella had arrived at this hospital, and then she disappeared." Hearing this person's report, William immediately watched the surveillance and found that Bella rust to the hospital. but after entering the hospital, Bella disappeared. 

The surveillance in the hospital failed that day, so the surveillance screens after that were gone. Alright, how could surveillance fail? Unless someone had intentionally destroyed it, it was to cover up the trail of Bella.

The place where Bella last appeared was this hospital, but it had never appeared again afterward. He was nocturnal to search the entire hospital and there were still no whereabouts of Bella. The dean received the news and saw that he was the fierce one. 

"William, I've already interrogated the people below, but no one has seen Miss Bella's whereabouts," he said a little tremblingly but he did not think about who Miss Bella was. After hearing the dean's words, William's eyes became even more fierce."She disappeared in your hospital. You actually said that you didn't see her!"

The dean's body trembled, and his back was shocked with a cold sweat. William's angry expression was too terrifying, but he really did not know about Miss Bella's whereabouts. he had already questioned his subordinate. No one had seen Bella appear. At this time, all the people who were sent to search by William had returned. 

"Director, I still haven't heard from  Miss Bella." Hearing this, William of William was even more anxious. The only clue was broken. May she go somewhere? When he came out of the hospital, William's appearance was even colder. He kept on searching, searching for all the places Bella, but there was no trace of her. 

Three hours had passed and there was no news of Bella. At this moment, the sky had already darkened, and William became even more anxious. Bella must have been taken away. Now that she was in someone else's hands and in the hands of the bad guys, she did not call for money at this moment, indicating that this was not a kidnapping and extortion, but a direct response to Bella. This was even more terrifying than the kidnapping of the blackmail. The kidnapping of the blackmail could at least know her news but at the moment, it had broken all contact. 

"Give me another look, I must find her," William said fiercely, but his voice was trembling. Bella, where are you? They searched over and over again, but there was still no trace of Bella. Bella's life circle was very small. There was nowhere else to go. Even friends did not. How could they not be found?

Friend! Walker was the only friend she wished for. Would she have gone to him? With an array of hope, William immediately drove the car to Miller's. As soon as Walker opened the door, he was knocked open by William, then he looked anxiously at his house. "William, what are you doing?" Walker's tone brought coldness, and William broke into his house without even saying anything.

"Bella, have you been here before?" without seeing Bella, he asked Walker. "Bella?" Waler looked at the appearance of William, and his face was confused. "Aren't she with you? She's never been here. Why are you so anxious to find her?" 

Walker looked suspicious as he looked at William. How could William come to his house to find his Bella? Unless something happened to him, his face darkened. 'William, did you lose your Bella?" Walker asked fiercely. When he came home, he saw the investigation of the army. It was the army that had sealed William. He was still thinking about something other than just sending out the army. When he saw this, he immediately thought of Bella. 

Walker felt sullen. "William, answer me. Are you looking for Bella?" Walker asked fiercely. He was very anxious. he didn't even care that the man standing opposite him was a powerful leader. At this moment, he was just a man worried about his beloved woman! Seeing Walker's expression, William knew that he had not seen Bella. Walker rushed out as well, knowing that Bella was gone.

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