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Chapter 152 The Immortal Lord on the left hand, the Demon Lord on the right hand (16)

Lin Yuan could not believe that there was such a person in the world, and he could actually step on two boats when facing Xie Hanzhou. What kind of god is this? His eldest husband is so good-looking! Xie Hanzhou is so beautiful! !

After being shocked, Lin Yuan reacted to something slowly and was about to explode with rage again, from the beginning to the end, from the inside out.

What exactly is more offensive? !

Touched his eldest husband's hand? Did you touch it twice?

Or should I say, embracing his eldest husband?

No...it's not a kiss, right?

When Lin Yuan thought about this possibility, he felt aggrieved and a little envious at the same time. Because those who don't know are not guilty, so the two boats may have kissed his eldest husband without being punished. Can he not be guilty even if he doesn't know?

But...how can he not be guilty of not knowing?

So difficult!

Lin Yuan thought of the previous worlds. When he and his husband kissed, his husband was always fierce and eager, as rude as a hungry beast hunting.

The lips and teeth are entangled, the bodies are tumbling tightly together without any gaps, desires are transmitted, fierce collisions, instincts are boiling.

Lin Yuan was in pain and comfortable at the same time, his lips were swollen and hot, and the tip of his tongue was soft and numb. His feeble struggle to avoid it would only lead to more crazy hissing kisses, almost devouring hissing kisses.

There are many times when a person is in a daze after being kissed, and his mind is more confused than a ball of paste. He seems to have become an attachment to the other person, and he is so addicted that he can hardly extricate himself.

Looking back now, Lin Yuan feels that she was still too young at that time. She had never experienced hard times and had a husband to kiss. What kind of fairy life was this?

Look at him now, he clearly has two husbands, two! It's two husbands!

But, life is difficult and difficult. He has two beautiful husbands, but the problem is that he can't kiss one and dare not kiss the other.

Comparing the two, Lin Yuan felt more and more that she was too enviable and jealous in the past. When her husband kissed her, she actually resisted and struggled because her husband was too excited and kissed her, and even complained that the other party was too cruel.

It's true that a full man doesn't know how hungry a hungry man is! Hum!

Lin Yuan actually really wanted to ask Xie Hanzhou. He wanted to go crazy and ask, how did the two ships offend him even more? But Xie Hanzhou is his master, and his disciple is very ignorant and disrespectful of his master when he asks his master such things.

In the end, Lin Yuan could only hold back his anger and the constant jealousy in his heart. He looked at Xie Hanzhou aggrievedly and said with some frustration and anger: "Master, those two... those things that offended you Young man, maybe he did it on purpose, he was just pretending."

Lin Yuan suddenly felt that he had discovered the truth. It was very possible that the two ships were just bullying his eldest husband who didn't understand anything!

Ah! It's too much. We are all practicing Taoism, and our Taoist minds should be clear and quiet. How could those two boats be so excessive?

While Lin Yuan was furious, he also felt extremely sorry for Xie Hanzhou's incomparable love and affection. His round eyes were filled with water, and his voice was soft, like a ball of soft and fluffy marshmallows.

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