Hidden Feelings - Logan x̶ Thomas

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Eureka! That's it! (Hehe, Horrid Henry)


So, you know *insert name* x *insert name* means it's a romantic connection? And *insert name* & *insert name* means friend or brother or everything else? WELL

x̶ < THAT CAN MEAN ONLY ONE TRAIT (including Thomas) LIKES THE OTHER YASSSSSS and the other doesn't return the feelings

So smart

Trigger warning

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Trigger warning

Logan hated emotions, hated them. Why can't he have the ability to turn them off and never use them again? Why does he have to be cursed with these stupid, good for nothing feelings? They were stupid and unnecessary.

Logan always hated emotions but recently his hate for them has only grown by tenfold, he lay awake on his bed late at night thinking how much better his life would be without having to deal with emotions, if he could be like a robot - they don't have emotions.

Rolling onto his side he stared at the wall, not feeling tired at all. All because of the emotions weighing down on his heart, figuratively of course. Feeling parched he appeared in the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water which he gulped down quickly. Washing the glass out he was suddenly summoned by Thomas, glancing around the dark living room he spotted Thomas asleep on the couch, laptop slowly falling from his grasp.

He must've just fallen asleep and summoned the first trait that came to mind, Logan concluded, closing his laptop and gently placing it on the coffee table. His heart warmed at the idea of him being the first Thomas thought of but sighed after, it'll never work.

Stupid fucking emotions.

Pulling a blanket over Thomas Logan stared at his face, one similar to his own but a few different features you could only notice up close.

"What have you done to my heart..." Logan uttered gently, pushing Thomas's hair back, he didn't mean to...it was a natural instinct. Huh, weird.

Standing up straight Logan appeared back in his dark, silent room. Deciding to do some work he let his thoughts wander, sometime during his work he remembered seeing Thomas kiss his boyfriend before said boyfriend left to go home.

Logan didn't despise Thomas's boyfriend, he was better for Thomas than Logan would be, anyway. But that doesn't stop his emotions, no, emotions are idiotic, never knowing when to stop.

Slamming his pen onto the desk he pulled at his hair, clenching his eyes shut tightly. "Emotions..." he muttered bitterly, suddenly standing up and rocking his chair backwards, cringing at the loud noise but no one woke up.

Flopping onto his bed he hugged his pillow in a comforting way, he felt in so much emotional pain he didn't feel like moving for a week but he has to function for Thomas to survive.

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