Dammit - No Ship

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Hey so imma gonna write this stupid "funny" OneShot to get used to Deceit cus I love him

I always love the villains so Deceit...hmu

I just had a mind fuck and realised calling Logan, Virgil, and Patton "personality traits" doesn't really work out, SO NOT GONNA USE THAT TERM AGAIN LMAO

but this will be about Deceit, even if he's kinda out of character I CAN'T WRITE HIM OKAY

but this will be about Deceit, even if he's kinda out of character I CAN'T WRITE HIM OKAY

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"Deceit!" Patton bounded over to the newcomer, grinning widely. Even if Deceit impersonated him - in a video no less, almost making Thomas lie to his best friend, he still wanted to be kind because that's who Patton is.

Said part of Thomas spun around, an evil grin stretching across his half-scaly face.

"Yes?" He replied in a tone dripping with malevolence.

"Did you know the first French fries weren't actually cooked in France?" Patton giggled, "They were cooked in Greece!"

Deceit blinked, brown and yellow eyes staring closely at Morality who clasped a hand over his mouth to conceal his giggles.

Eventually, Deceit sighed.

"I hate you"

He gasped, "that means you love me!"


Told you it was bad


Thomas Sanders Sides OneShots 3Where stories live. Discover now