That Place - Virgil x Patton & Roman x Logan

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"Are you sure you want to go there?"

Virgil asked, staring at his friend with uncertainty. His friend, named Roman, looked back with a grin, nudging his boyfriend who sighed, placing down his mug of coffee.

"Yes, Virgil, it will be fun" he spoke robotically, as if Roman had scripted it earlier. Rolling his eyes, Virgil leaned back in the chair he sat on, currently at Roman and Logan's house as they asked him to hang out. He wouldn't of come over if he knew they wanted to go...there...well, if Roman wanted to, Logan was just coming along to make sure Roman didn't kill himself - accidentally.

Ever since he was a kid Virgil had it drilled into his head "that place" they were planning to go to today isn't safe at all, and should not be entered under any circumstances. The large, deep, mud filled moat that surrounded this "place" was filled with bugs and diseases, set one foot in and it could kill you in under a week. If you get passed this mud moat, you'd get into the sort of island inside, full of dead trees, grassless dried dirt, branches and rubble scattered across it.

Once there, you must fend for yourself as the bugs and dangerous animals came out to play, ready to hunt their pray, which is you.

Blinking back into reality, Virgil truly wondered why the hell Roman would ever want to even be in a miles radius of the place, but he looked determined as he packed his bag full of stuff ready to keep them all protected, and once he had his mind set on something, it was near impossible to stop him. 

So, Virgil and Logan got into his car, and Roman set off down the street, talking a mile a minute about how excited he was to finally see why the whole world wants to keep people away from this place.

The place didn't even have any myths or legends based around it! It was literally a dump, sitting there for years and years to come, but no, Roman has to think there's something more.

"This isn't a good idea..." Virgil finally spoke up after they passed the last few houses in town, driving alone the empty road towards their destination.

"I solely agree with Virgil, Roman. Although I do not want you hurt - as that is the only reason I am here - I do hope you are not thinking of even attempting to step foot in that place. You do understand this is a suicide mission, correct?"

Roman huffed, not letting what his boyfriend and friend were saying let him down. Gripping the wheel tighter, he shrugged lightly, smirking in delight.

"Where is your sense of adventure!"

"Anywhere but that place!" Virgil replied, flopping against the seat and crossing his arms. Him and Logan both being in the back, the more logical man glanced towards him, silently questioning what they should do.

He only shrugged, gesturing towards Roman and twirling a finger beside his head, indicating he was a complete idiot.

But, amongst their protests and Roman's quips against them, they didn't realise the "place" was in sight. Once Roman parked the car, Logan and Virgil's hearts dropped.

Much as pictures depicted, the place was truly horrifying, a place no one, not even the most insane human would ever go to.

Virgil was sure people wouldn't even go there in a zombie apocalypse, even if that was the only place zombies didn't exist!

Roman grinned giddily, making a little excited noise before grabbing his bag and jumping out. Sighing, Logan followed suit, watching his stupid yet determined boyfriend grab a folded bridge type thing, ready to lie across the moat to get over.

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