Top Surgery - Logan x Patton

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I don't know anything about top surgery

But I do know about being Trans


"I'm so proud of you" Patton smiled at Logan who was sitting in the rather uncomfortable hard seat, hands shaking a little. Sending his boyfriend a small smile, he nodded, eyes casted back to the ground.

"You'll be okay, you know you're in safe hands" Patton added gently, taking one of Logan's hands in his own.

"But...what if I wake up? What if something goes wrong?" Logan voiced his worries, feeling himself fill with dread and butterflies that swarmed his stomach, making him feel sick. Patton frowned, letting Logan ring his hands together, focusing on his breathing for a few minutes.

"You're letting your brain make up cognitive distortions" Logan smiled a little at the fact Patton remembered that, making Patton grin in return. "I promise you it'll be okay. But, even if you do back out, you'll still be my perfect boyfriend, okay?" Patton pressed a kiss to his cheek, efficiently cleaning away the single tear that slipped from his eye.

"Thank you" Logan spoke barely above a whisper, clearing his throat. "But I am far from perfect" he added quietly, leaning into Patton silently. "We all are, but out of everyone you are the closest" Patton giggled, toying with his floppy hair.

Chuckling softly, Logan thanked him once more, the luminescent floor glowing under the bright lights above.

"Will you stay here?"

"I won't leave until you are"

"Will they let you stay?"

"I don't care" Patton kissed the crown of his head.

"I'm staying"

Thank for the request!

Why am I suddenly so shit at writing-?

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