Boy From The Past - Logan & Roman & Patton & Virgil & Thomas

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I know this type of idea had been used in movies shut up-


Logan groaned painfully, wincing at the sharp thorns stabbing into his arm. Slowly and weakly sitting up, he rubbed his eyes, blinking rapidly to become used to the sudden bright light. Rubbing his arm, he took in his surroundings, freezing at the realisation he was laying in the middle of a forest, tall trees surrounding him. Scanning around, he saw what looked like his glasses in the distance. Crawling over, he put them on, sighing at the fact one was cracked.

Standing up, he brushed leaves from his clothes, seeing a few rips in his trousers, half of his tie missing. "Darn...I liked this tie" he muttered to himself, sighing and looking back up. He was only fifteen, which gave him the excuse to be scared, last thing he remembered was running away from a vicious dog.

It was night time in the memory, too, meaning he must've fallen and hit his head.

But, he didn't have a headache, and feeling around, he couldn't detect a bump.

Shaking his head, he straightened out and headed towards the sound of water he could hear in the distance, deciding the best option would be to follow the stream - if there was one - to escape back to civilisation.

His walk was pleasant, and it only took an hour before he could hear the sounds of humans. Smiling, he picked up speed, pushing through the brush and finding himself on a familiar street. His street, in fact.

Lighting up, he stepped back to let a couple pass, furrowing his eyebrows at the fact one of them held...something up to their ear. Shrugging, he headed down the street, noticing the scenery was very different. The cars didn't look the same, the people didn't look the same, trees once lining the streets were completely gone.

How long was he in the forest?

Internally panicking, he made sure to look calm on the outside, seeing his house in the distance he sighed in relief, crossing the road and up to the gate. Tilting his head, he gasped at the sight...

"What...happened" he questioned to himself, seeing his once brand new house covered with vines and overgrowth. Had his parents moved away? No, they wouldn't leave him! He was only a child!

Opening the gate, he cringed at the loud squeak, yesterday it didn't do that!?

Closing it behind him, his eyes darted around the front yard, spotting a few rusted bikes. One looked like his own...weird, it was perfect just yesterday, much like the gate! And the house!

Was this some dream? No, a nightmare?

Knocking on the door, he only had to wait a few seconds before it swung open.

"Mom, I-" he froze, staring at the man in front of him who definitely wasn't his Mom. Nor his Dad, either. In fact, he'd never seen this man before.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my house?!" Logan yelled, backing away a few steps. The man looked bewildered, staring at the child, worriedly. "Calm down, alright? I'm Roman, this...isn't your house, I've lived here for the past two years..."

Logan shook his head, unable to process anything. His hands shook, backing up again.

"Watch out-!" Roman tried to grab him but Logan fell down the steps, hitting his head on the concrete, hard. He yelped, rolling onto his side to grip his head. Roman didn't know what to do, he scooped up the child carefully and brought him inside, laying him on the couch as he called his friends.

"Patton! Virgil! Thomas! Come here, quickly!"

Logan held his head tightly, clenching his eyes shut in pain. He heard pairs of feet running in the room and sudden loud voices that made his head swirl. Breathing quickening, his legs subconsciously moved up to his chest, his body curling up into a ball without him even trying. One of Roman's friends - Virgil - noticed this and shut everyone else up, kneeling beside the couch.

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